There are three critical reasons why the US should invest in Africa: 1.

In 2000, Africa was labeled “The Hopeless Continent” by The Economist, and in 2011, the cover read “Africa Rising.” As of 2019, it's seen as an appealing option for emerging market investors. 12 Reasons to Invest in Africa ... Out of the 53 countries in Africa, Seruma's fund currently invests in 14, which together account for about 90 percent of Africa's overall market capitalization.

Updated Apr 9, 2020. FACEBOOK TWITTER LINKEDIN By J.B. Maverick. Its GDP accounts for more than 50 per cent of the region’s total and in terms of current market prices, its 2014 GDP stood at $58.1 billion. U.S. development assistance brings government agencies, American organizations and businesses into collaboration with Africans who are trying to put their own communities and countries onto a more prosperous social, political, and economic plane. Driven largely by raw materials and mining, the country is the largest producer of gold, platinum, and chromium in the world. However, the country's agricultural and banking sectors are also fairly sizable, and its consumer class is slowly reducing reliance on exports and fueling domestic services growth. The 3 Reasons Why Chinese Invest in Africa. Invest in Kenya: East Africa's Powerhouse Kenya is the largest and most advanced economy in East and Central Africa. South Africa represents the most popular way to invest in Africa.