Allrecipes has more than 270 trusted chia seeds recipes complete with ratings, reviews and preparation tips.

This eliminates use of bowl and whisk.

Strawberry Coconut: Use coconutmilk for the milk of choice in the base recipe, and garnish with sliced strawberries or layer the pudding in a glass between layers of chopped berries (as shown in the photo below).

Hi! If you’re looking to get into vegan baking, you should know what a chia egg is and how to use it!

Chia keeps best if stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. This 10-Minute Chia Seed Jam recipe is my fave!! Chia seeds can be eaten raw or used as a carrier for other foods, taking on a gel-like consistency when added to liquid. But then what?

Chia Seed Recipes Looking for unique recipes using chia seeds?

Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant and they contain a lot of important nutrients. So many uses!

Chocolate Fudge Chia Pudding: Add mini chocolate chips and 2 tbsp cocoa powder or your favorite chocolate protein powder to the base recipe below. They can be added to other foods or soaked in water to form a jelly-like substance.

Chia seeds help to make a dessert similar to tapioca pudding with this recipe. My favorite is with canned coconut milk, cacao, cinnamon, dash of salt and some honey.

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Chia Seed Pudding Flavors. Then refrigerate. Put on the lid and shake it like you mean it for at least 2 minutes.

Add chia seeds to a small dish and top with water. It’s simple – just 1 Tbsp chia seeds + 2.5 Tbsp water = a chia egg. A tip is to use a mason jar, add milk and spices and any powders, add chia seeds last. Store it.

I love chia pudding and make it often.

Cook it. After yesterday’s post sharing my all-time favorite healthy granola recipe, I couldn’t resist following it up with my favorite … Chia Pudding. You can extend the shelf life by keeping it in the fridge. What’s a chia egg? It’s super quick and easy to make, thickened with chia (instead of tons of extra sugar), totally delicious, and made with real ingredients you can feel great about.

By nikkid;