This can be a long, difficult wait if you got a positive pregnancy test early on. At my appointment on Wednesday (38 weeks) I plan to ask about what happens if I pass my due date. I havent had an ultrasound since 20 wks so I do plan to ask about that.

After your first prenatal visit and until week 28 you should plan to see the doctor once a month. Use them to get a conversation going or as a fun way to pass the time with friends or loved ones. However, for many pregnancies, the first prenatal visit takes place somewhere between now and week 10. As with other visits, your doctor will: Check your weight and blood pressure. 10 Diverse Children's Books to Add to Yo… by Allison Cooper. I will be 39 weeks by Monday.. and am really tired.. Wat is delaying my bundle of joy please am getting worried.

He or she might counsel you to start taking a daily prenatal vitamin with folic acid and reach a healthy weight before you become pregnant.

If you're thinking about becoming pregnant, consult your health care provider. 12 Free Online Classes to Take This Week… by Mommy Nearest. From 36 weeks, you’re likely to have weekly appointments until the birth.

Be Prepared to Discuss: 16 Crucial Questions Every Woman Needs to Ask Her OB-GYN During Pregnancy. by Maressa Brown. Up until then it was just the routine you discussed. Her smile is warm, almost as calming and toasty as the gel she is about to squirt on my belly. PBF Baby: 35 Weeks | Peanut Butter Fingers says: July 14, 2015 at 9:18 am. iStock. For women having their second or subsequent baby, if all is going well, the last few appointments might be two weeks apart. Understanding what to expect with your pregnancy week-by-week will help you calm any fears you may have and make the best possible preparations. At your first appointment, your health care provider will complete a comprehensive health history. From 28-36 weeks of pregnancy, your appointments are likely to be every two weeks. The healthcare provider will take your weight, blood pressure, and ask you to provide a urine sample, which they will screen for elevated levels of protein and sugar.

Here’s what you can expect during your pregnancy weeks 10-16: Prenatal Appointments: Weeks 10 – 12.

Try to be creative as you can and have fun with the questions. KidPass to Host First-Ever Virtual Summe… by … Last week, my doc thought LO was getting big, which would potentially jeopardize my ability to have a successful vaginal delivery, but since they can't do anything until 39 weeks… Here is my ridiculously long list of good questions to ask. After all, your baby is around 20 inches long, you’ve probably gained a total of around 25 to 35 pounds and you’re more than a little uncomfortable—not to mention really eager to meet your little one! I have my 39 week appointment today. Dilation and effacement: At your appointment, ... By the time you get to 39 weeks pregnant, you’re probably more than ready for your baby to be born. 8 Online Classes to Take This Weekend wi… by Mommy Nearest. The anatomy ultrasound is a level 2 scan usually performed between 18-22 weeks gestation. Your first pregnancy appointment will be at eight weeks after your last period.