Eighty plus years on, we have 4,933 cocktails on our database and we present our top 100 cocktails. While you ponder which delicious drink to order, you can also enjoy the thrilling graphic novel menus.

The latest edition, dubbed Incarceration, is full of twists and turns and is more fun to read than the Snaps flooding your iPhone. Named Best Bar in the World by The World's 50 Best Bars in 2016, The Dead Rabbit needs no introduction.

By the time Harman Burney Burke wrote his Burke's Complete Cocktail and Tastybite Recipe Book in 1936 there were already so many cocktails that he decided his readers needed a listicle, asserting "The following 15 mixtures are the most popular conventional drinks in the Western World."

Discover our selection of the best bars in Paris, London, New York, Singapore, Tokyo... World's Best Bars : best bars and cocktails in the world The ultimate destination for the best cocktail experiences, anywhere, anytime.