3. Genus: Alnus Subgenus: Alnus Species: A. cordata Binomial name ... Italian Alder (Alnus cordata) - bark close up - February 2018 by Exeter Trees. Duby) is a medium-sized pioneer tree, native of the hill and mountain areas in southern Italy. Duby symbol: ALCO13 Leaf: Alternate, simple, alternate, broadly ovate, heart-shaped base, 2 to 4 inches long, finely serrate, dark green and shiny above, paler with a few scattered brown hairs below particularly in vein axils and along midrib.
Uses. In this study, we investigated the phenolic composition of the crude extract (MeOH 80 %) of Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Shading Capacity Rated as Dense out of Leaf. The bark is smooth and the twigs pubescent. Italian Alder (Alnus cordata) The Italian Alder is a medium-sized, slow-growing tree with dark-green, heart-shaped leaves and yellowish catkins. Call +31(0) 485 31 20 21 or email one of our advisors directly. Other names. Chewing the bark helped to heal sores and ulcers in the mouth.

Genus. The causal agent of an undetermined disease of black alder (Alnus glutinosa) and Italian alder (Alnus cordata) was identified as an Erwinia species. Duby) is a medium-sized pioneer tree, native of the hill and mountain areas in southern Italy. These are fast-growing trees and shrubs, so they can be used to help fill in a landscape and provide shade sooner than other species. are found in the Betulaceae, from the birch family.Almost all of them are deciduous. Externally the sap was applied to cuts and a poultice of the bark has been applied to eczema, sores, and aches (Moerman 1998). Geographic subdivisions for Alnus cordata: NCoRO (Spring Lake Park, Santa Rosa) MAP CONTROLS 1.

Let it grow into a tree if you never want to get out the loppers, but the tree rewards prune-o-philes by producing more young twigs, which have shiny and warm-brown bark. Alder trees and shrubs (Alnus spp.) The bark and branching structure provide winter interest. 0:31. Having the botanical name Alnus cordata, the Italian alder is a deciduous tree, belonging to the Birch family. 2. Make an appointment for a detailed planting recommendation. Italian alder Betulaceae Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Uses. This tree is a fast-growing species, able to colonise different A. cordata - A. cordata is a fast-growing pyramidcal deciduous tree with glossy, heart-shaped, deep-green leaves. Make an appointment for a detailed planting recommendation.

... Bark Light Gray, Furrowed or Smooth. Performs well in infertile, dry, high pH soils.

RP-LC-DAD analysis showed a high content of hydroxycinnamic acids (47.64 %), flavanones (26.74 %) and diarylheptanoids (17.69 %). The bark of Alnus glutinosa is alterative, astringent, cathartic, febrifuge, tonic, and useful in mouth and throat inflammations, the vinegar extract of inner bark of plant produces a useful wash to treat lice and a range of skin problems such as scabies and scabs. Yellow catkins in late winter and early spring on bare stems.
Alnus cordata is nothing if not accommodating to your individual interest in—or aversion to—pruning. As a large ornamental tree Cultivation as a medium-sized bonsai References ↑ 1.0 1.1 Trees of Britain and Europe. Small brown cones through winter.

It is also present in Corsica and western Albania. The leaves are dark glossy green, with a cordate base and shallow forward-pointing teeth. ... Green or grey-green bark, smooth. Best near water.