Brine: Don’t be intimidated!
Rubbery chicken is a sign that the chicken is overcooked -- by any method. You can get tender chicken with any cooking method if you're careful about how long it cooks. Of course, this may be the desired outcome, and this may be fine for dishes that call for very soft chicken.

0 0. Never cook frozen chicken directly as it may result in a dry and tasteless dish. Here's how it works. Whether it’s mastering fluffy rice or the perfectly balanced sweet-and-sour sauce, it’s tricky to recreate favorite Chinese restaurant dishes in your own kitchen. For whole chicken braising google search for Jamies milk braised chicken. That might help in narrowing down what you're describing. Even after you keep the marinated chicken in the refrigerator, make sure you … Source: Laura Denby .
Makes extremely tender braised chicken and is a great into recipe. Alternatively, use a fruit marinade. This Secret Technique is the Key to Tender, Juicy Stir-Fry Chicken. Can you tell us any more about the dish -- what it looked like, whether the skin was crispy or not, etc. It’s as simple as soaking the chicken in salt water for 30 minutes. The bone and the skin make for the most flavorful, tender Chicken breast.

Velveting chicken is a Chinese technique that keeps meat incredibly tender and juicy.

Let the chicken rest for about 30 minutes (or more) until it reaches its room temperature and only then marinade it.

read more. (This post contains affiliate links.I may make a commission off sales, your price remains the same) Three Keys to Making a Perfectly Tender Chicken Breast: Bone in, skin on!