International Journal of Social Sciences is a concerted effort towards ensuring a sturdy podium of discussion for academicians, research scholars and development professionals to explore the emerging issues and current challenges in the sphere of sustainable development. The Journal of Tishk International University 4 issues per year. The main objective of IJHSS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. The journal’s mission is to heighten awareness of the international, global, and transnational nature of issues in social education. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies . American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS) is a double blind peer reviewed, open access journal published by (ARJHSS). The Journal of International Social Studies serves as a forum for Social Studies scholars from around the world to present and discuss common concerns. Instructions: first, find the journal's publisher - it is usually written at the bottom of journal's webpage or in the "About" section.Then simply enter the publisher's name or its URL in the search box above. The main objective of ARJHSS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars.

If the journal does not have a publisher use the Standalone Journals list. List of Predatory Journals 2019 This is an archived version of the Beall's list - a list of potential predatory publishers created by a librarian Jeffrey Beall.

Choosing a Journal for Publication of an Article: List of Suspicious Journals and Publishers This guide features information resources useful for identifying major journals in all fields and details about them for those wanting to identify key journals or find publication details for known journal titles. IJHSS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in humanities and social science and become the leading journal in humanities and social … International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. Predatory Publishing, deutsch etwa „räuberisches Veröffentlichen“, ist ein betrügerisches Geschäftsmodell bestimmter Open-Access-Verlage.Die manchmal als „Raubverlage“ bezeichneten Unternehmen geben vor, vollwertige wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschriften herauszugeben, und verlangen von den Autoren die im Open-Access-Segment üblichen Publikationsgebühren (engl. The IJSSES is an open access international double-blind peer-reviewed refereed journal that publishes original researches regarding different fields of Education.