When you notice that your lavender is woody, it’s time to take action to help it recover. It's best to prune the shrubs in early spring before danger of frost. Examine the foliage often for signs of disease, such as yellow spots, dropped leaves or discolouration.

I’d also observe that (1) your lavender will try to resume (or exceed) their current size in the future and (2) planting more plants between them may make them all vulnerable to fungal diseases, which happens with inadequate air circulation.

Here are tips for the three most common ones. The toughest semi-shrub around, every sunny garden needs this heavenly scented staple. There are many different types of lavender, but most fall in one of two categories: English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) or French lavender (Lavandula dentata). Teach you how to grow lavender plant, when to pruning lavender/cut back lavender. Pruning lavender. How to Prune French Lavender. One of Europe’s favourite lavender is the ‘Munstead’; a semi-shrub attractive in pots or containers. Top quality aromatherapy products include lavender essential oil (aroma oil), massage oil, epsom bath salts. Here’s what to do with woody lavender plants: prune them. Pruning when it's cold out can cause dieback. How and when to prune lavender varies depending on the type of lavender you’re growing. Lavenders planting guide from New Zealand lavender farm. As much as you may be tempted, hold off on pruning lavender until spring. If you prune them now, you’ll prune off this years blooms-in-progress, even though it may have bloomed twice in a season before.

Lavender is a strong durable plant for dry, warm borders and known for flowering from spring right though to autumn.

Pruning woody lavender plants is the key to rejuvenating them. How to prune lavender What to Do with Woody Lavender. Prune lavender lightly to maintain the rounded shape. ENGLISH LAVENDER (Lavandula angustifolia) This is the classic English lavender is beloved not only for it’s memorable fragrance, but also for the silvery foliage and stems that add texture to a border. Our lavender shop offer lavender/sleep aid/skin care products. Watch this video guide to pruning lavender from Sean Harkin, team leader at RHS Garden Wsiley

Prune to the preferred shape and size in early autumn, as the lavender tree grows quickly and may become too large for available space if not kept in check.