Fortunately, when they are relatively healthy, they can bounce back quickly, even from very brief cat naps. However there is a growing body of writing that talks about the personality and … Most of the literature commonly available about homeopathic remedies presents the negative aspects seen in illness. Phosphorus’s Personality Profile: This remedy is suitable for personality types ranging from those who are sometimes anxious or nervous to those who are usually energetic, open, and sociable. Phosphorus irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes, inflames spinal cord and nerves, causing paralysis, destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia; disorganizes the blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to hæmorrhages, and … Homeopathic Constitutional Types : Phosphorous ... Quick to excitement and enthusiasm, the Phosophorous personality can be very magnetic and an instigator in social situations, but they can have the challenge of easily burning themselves out by taking on too much at a time. Before that a German philosopher Friedrich Nietzche, developed a theory that personality is dependent on the chemicals in the body. Elaine, Phosphorus doesn’t want to think of herself as evil; but, as an example, I had one Phosphorus client who wouldn’t honor anything I told her to do! Use Homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m only when lower potencies fail. PHOSPHORUS Phosphorus. Phosphorus homeopathy personality function has its benefits and side effects. Phosphorus has been a useful remedy in locomotor ataxia, palliating many of the symptoms; the pains; restoring the reflexes. Twelve Basic Personality Types Homeopathic Archetypes: Six Genotypes, and Six Phenotypes Homeopathic practitioners have long described their medicines ("remedies") by the "picture" they represent. Phosphorus was introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann, and the constitutional picture of Phosphorus was described by Kent in the 19 th century. Phosphorus is often suitable and restrains the progress in multiple sclerosis where there is much weakness and trembling of the extremities. If I told her to take one dose of a remedy, she took 5; if I told her to wait a week before her next dose, she would wait until the next morning and then take 3 doses more. Low potencies similar to phosphorus 30 and Phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits. Generally those which benefit most from phosphorus homeopathy tend to …

Phosphorus has cured caries of the vertebrae in scrofulous children.

Phosphorus homeopathy mind, Homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m, explained.