Get some hot water, then pour the container on the toilet bowl. Baking soda and vinegar are non toxic substances that can help you unclog a toilet when a plunger is not handy. This Site Might Help You.

Avoid using boiling water since it could damage your toilet. Now, let it sit for at least 20 minutes to do its magic. How to unclog a toilet is a household chore that every individual needs to know. How to Unclog a Toilet Clogged with Poop. So, boil some water, pour it down into the toilet and see if that helps after you have tried the soap. How to Unclog a Toilet With Boiling Water. Part of the series: Toilets & Plumbing. You can also see some information here on how you can use baking soda and vinegar to unclog your toilet. Pour 1 cup baking soda and 2 cups vinegar into the toilet.If you don't have baking soda and vinegar on hand, try adding a few squirts of dish soap to the toilet bowl. Pour the baking soda to the toilet and then after a few minutes slowly pour the vinegar. It should resolve the issue, and you can do this every time you have clogged a toilet. To unclog a toilet without a plunger, start by pouring 1/4 cup of dish soap into the toilet and letting it sit for 25 minutes. Sometimes it’s due to an overly aggressive wiper (which often times happens in my home). Hot water can soften and break down the poop, but you will need to repeat the process several times. RE: Can pouring clorox down the toilet when it's clogged unclog it? All you need to do is pour a bucket of boiling water into the toilet. Buy a toilet plunger with an extension flange on the rubber bell-shaped end. Unclog a Toilet: Begin With a Plunger. Can it really be used to unclog a toilet? The combined effect of these two, could really make a difference and solve the problem you have. The soap may help to loosen the clog.This method isn't likely to work for clogs caused by a hard obstruction, such as a toy. Once you've waited 25 minutes, dump 1 gallon of hot water into the bowl, and try flushing it to see if the clog is gone. We’ve all been there before. Boil a pot of water and then slowly pour it down the drain. For about 90 percent of clogged toilets, you only need one special tool — a toilet plunger. For some reason my Grandma thinks that putting Clorox bleach down the toilet when its clogged can help unclog it. However, often times it falls on dads and moms to take care of the dirty deed. Remove one of the bombs from its liner and put it in your toilet. A toilet plunger with an extension flange is designed to fit toilets better, so you can deliver more "oomph" to the plunge. Mix it like tea and pour it down each bathroom and kitchen drain Do this once a month at each fixture for a year, and then 4 times a year to keep the pipes clean For the liquid version of Rid-X, double the amount of the powder using 2 tablespoons per 16 oz of warm water. First, consider what is clogging the toilet: if it’s not your kid’s Barbie doll or a tampon, then it’s either paper or, uh, “waste” that may be very hard for whatever reason. Instead of a bucket, you can use the shower if it can reach your toilet.

I just don't see how that would help but she thinks it works.