Mendel studied the inheritance of seven different features in peas, including height, flower color, seed color, and seed shape.

To do so, he first established pea lines with two different forms of a feature, such as tall vs. short height. Black-eyed peas get their name from the black spot in the center of the white bean. Bring to a boil, stir, then reduce heat, cover, and simmer until the split peas are tender, but not mushy and most of the liquid is absorbed, about 20 minutes.

Beans and peas are relatively easy to grow, making them a good choice for a first-time gardener or a new garden plot.
Harvesting and eating some of the young pea shoots and tendrils are great ways to extend your pea growing season.

It is most often seen trained up bamboo stakes or structures, but can also be left to form mounds or planted in containers where it spills over the sides. Browse crowder peas pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket How to Grow Black-Eyed Pea Plants in a Garden.

Since pea plants fade in warm weather, timing is an issue in getting a good crop of peas. Peas picture - download this royalty free Stock Photo in seconds. All the peas are green when freshly shelled and brown or buff when dried. The color of the eye may be black, brown, red, pink, or green. The colorful and fragrant sweet pea is a favorite in cottage gardens and other informal garden styles. Combine the split peas and broth in a medium saucepan over high heat. No membership needed. There are plenty of varieties of each, from climbing green beans to sweet sugar snap peas.Start your plants from seed by planting them in the ground where you want to grow them, since legumes don't like to be transplanted. Pea shoots and tendrils may look exotic or sophisticated, but even gardeners who cannot grow peas to maturity can grow pea shoots and tendrils. Combine the cooked split peas in a large bowl with the tomatoes, corn, parsley, basil, oregano, and chives. A popular variation of the black-eyed pea is the purple hull pea; it is usually green with a prominent purple or pink spot.