Favored for both its health and environmental benefits, the pescatarian diet is often credited with improvements in mood, brain function, heart health and weight loss. Whether you’re transitioning to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, or simply want to cut out red meat and poultry from your diet, there are a lot of benefits that come with being a pescetarian.

Although the term “pescatarian” only originated within the last few decades, pescatarian diets have actually been around for centuries. Maksym/Fotolia. The average American adult should eat at least two 3.5-ounce servings of fish each week and about nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. There are many proven benefits to plant-based diets, including a …

It’s kind of like choosing your husband or wife. Is Being a Pescatarian Healthy?. Top health benefits of a vegetarian diet: By Carolyn Steber. Finally answering that question WHY the Pescatarian diet works for me and my family... Small changes make a difference . I'm gearing up to sharing some of … Pescatarians have a lot in common with vegetarians . A pescatarian diet involves eating fish, as a main source of protein, alongside vegetables and other plant-based foods. A pescatarian diet is one of the healthiest diets that doesn’t just provide the essential nutrients but also has an essence of environmental benefits too. The pescatarian diet is loaded with health benefits and allows you to make conscious and sustainable choices. A "pescatarian" or "pesco-vegetarian" diet is essentially a vegetarian diet that also includes fish as an additional protein source.A pescatarian diet packs many of the benefits of a plant-based diet, including leaner body composition, lower risk of heart disease and reduced inflammation, while offering you great flexibility in your choice of proteins. Jan. 31, 2018 . The benefits of being a pescatarian might get you hooked. The only difference is, if you hate being a pescatarian, you can choose another option without all the legal fees and heartache. Further, it is an upgrade to the standard vegetarian diet and offers more nutritional value and proteins. Here are some of the main ones.

However, do bear in mind to avoid fish that contains high mercury levels. Whatever may be your motivation behind, it is important to understand the health benefits and potential risks of this diet.. What is a Pescatarian? Is Being a Pescatarian Healthy?. People choose to follow a pescatarian diet for health or moral reasons. Health Benefits. A "pescatarian" or "pesco-vegetarian" diet is essentially a vegetarian diet that also includes fish as an additional protein source.A pescatarian diet packs many of the benefits of a plant-based diet, including leaner body composition, lower risk of heart disease and reduced inflammation, while offering you great flexibility in your choice of proteins.

11 Surprising Ways Your Body Can Change When You Become A Vegetarian. 1. The lists below are far from complete since the health benefits of both vegetarian and pescetarian diets are immense, however we’ve tried to round up a few of the top benefits for each diet. Anyways, if you’re stuck and need more info to make a decision, the following list of benefits will … He has been a pescetarian now for the past three months and has been pleasantly surprised at how easy it is -- even though he had … One of the biggest meat-lovers I ever met, my loving boyfriend Mick Merivel, has even adopted the pescetarian diet. In addition, a standard vegetarian diet, the presence of fish in a pescatarian diet makes it even more nutritious and a hub for a protein source. The average American adult should eat at least two 3.5-ounce servings of fish each week and about nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. A legumes and nuts based diet is a high source of vitamins and minerals. There are several reasons people may choose to eat a pescatarian diet.