If you start an antibiotic the hives may worsen as the germs die and release more of the substance at the root cause of the hives. For a new study, he and his colleagues examined tonsils from kids 5- to 18-years old. Symptoms of strep throat can include painful swallowing, inflamed or swollen tonsils, a sore throat, swollen neck glands and small red spots at the back of the mouth, according to the Mayo Clinic. See a doctor if a sore throat lasts longer than 5–10 days.

Pain. Treating Strep Throat. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) can help with the itching. Strep throat is a term used to describe streptococcal infections caused by bacteria in the mucus membrane that lines the pharynx. Strep throat can produce a variety of symptoms. Skin rashes.

Having an incidence of the infection more than six times in one year can be cause for concern. Itching inside the throat. The reasons for the recurring strep throats are - Another reason for recurring strep throat in adults is inadequate antibiotics treatment. Antibiotics are meant to stop the spread of the bacteria to others and within your own body. But even after surgery strep throat returns to some people. However, if chronic strep throat develops and antibiotics have been ineffective, another option used to curtail it is a tonsillectomy.In a 2007 UMHS article, Dr. Susan Garetz stated that research indicated tonsillectomies resulted in patients being three times less likely to experience another bout of strep throat than those who did not undergo one. I am a 45 year old woman who had her tonsils removed at age 22. Some causes of a chronic sore throat require medical treatment.

Red throat with swollen tonsils. Tonsillectomy is good way of reducing recurrence of strept infection. This second group was a stand-in for kids who don’t get recurring strep throat. Recurring strep throat occurs when a person gets several bouts of strep throat in a short period of time.

Chronic pharyngitis is often more difficult to treat. Some had their tonsils taken out because of frequent strep throat.

If you stop antibiotics too early, the situation may be even worse as the survived bacteria can create antibiotics resistant ability. Fever. Strep throat can also cause fever, headaches, aching muscles and a rash. Others had theirs removed to fix breathing problems caused by big tonsils.

). The most common cause is a persistent infection of the tonsils (if they are still there of course! While removing your tonsils is a potential treatment for recurring strep throat in kids and adults, general cases of strep throat are usually treated with a course of antibiotics. I was scoped to be sure there was no residual tonsil tissue, my children have been tested and my dog treated prophalactically. Two years ago I started developing strep throat infections again. When a sore throat last more than a few weeks it should be investigated by an Ear Nose & Throat doctor. It’s in Southern California. The only difference is that people without tonsils will suffer from symptoms and signs of isolated infection of the throat. Strep is an infection in the throat and tonsils caused by bacteria, more precisely, by group A Streptococcus bacteria. If your strep throat symptoms recur for more than seven times in a single year then it’s considered a tonsillectomy which requires surgery. HealthTap: Doctor answers on Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and More: Dr. Fowler on recurring strep throat in adults: Not common but are possible. The incidence of strept throat infection in people who have undergone tonsillectomy drastically reduces.