20-30’h x 20’w. Along with the color of its leaves, the buds, seeds, and new branches of the red maple also have a red tone. Figure 2. Seeds have a tendency to germinate during stratification, so one way to handle the variation in stratification and germination time is to periodically inspect the seeds and plant only those which have Plant in full sun to light shade. Bigtooth Maple is valued for its drought tolerance and upright growth, making it ideal for street planting or rocky landscapes. It can be pruned up into tree form and planted as an eye catcher by itself. Ripe bigtooth maple seeds. The red color of its leaves, in autumn, makes it an attractive tree that will certainly stand out on any property. A very popular choice for sites that have difficult growing conditions. It's called Canyon Maple or Bigtooth Maple Acer grandidentatumand it has great potential for landscape use in the West. Maple seed germinates at variable times depending on the seed, temperatures, and duration of chilling. It develops a broad, spreading canopy and often grows into a multi-stemmed small tree. ACER grandidentatum and over 1000 other quality seeds for sale. Like a sugar maple but shrubbier or smaller. Maples, numerous species within the genus Acer, are prized as shade trees and ornamental specimens. Seed dispersal: Bigtooth maple seeds are dispersed by wind and gravity [58,107]. Sometimes has multiple stems. Acer grandidentatum Bigtooth Maple is a species of maple native to interior western North America , occurring in scattered populations from western Montana in the United States south to Coahuila in northern Mexico . Bigtooth maple produces many more seeds than Gambel oak, giving it a reproductive advantage in the mountain brush zone [28,101]. Acer grandidentatum bigtooth maple Habit: grows as a medium sized tree with a single trunk and large rounded crown reaching 50 ft (15m), or as a multi stemmed shrub reaching 26 ft (8m), its form is dependent on moisture and growing conditions. U-shaped seeds are 1” long, wings spread slightly. Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum) - Garden.org New and Unread Tree-Mails Call us at 1 315 4971058. Fruits/Seeds: Fruits are typical double samaras, characteristic of maples. Two seeds are attached together at one end with extended wings projecting from opposite ends.

Natural Characteristics Canyon maple is a native of moist, mountainous sites from southeastern Idaho, throughout Utah, western Colorado, portions of Arizona and New Mexico, and scattered locations in northern Mexico, southwestern Texas, and western Oklahoma. This tree is native to the Western U.S. and It is well adapted to alkaline soils and acclimates nicely to drier conditions. Leaves: The leaves arise from the twigs in opposing pairs.

The number of Bigtooth Maples in Kendall County is declining due to development and deer overpopulation. Rounded shape, somewhat irregular. Mature size and shape: Small to medium. Bigtooth Maple has five-lobed dark green summer leaves. Fall Colors. The plant is usually grown as a multi-stemmed clump so purchase a plant that has a single stem.