Most people grow basil indoor during the winter for obvious reasons, but you can really grow basil indoor anytime of the year. Basil is a popular, fragrant herb with a variety of culinary uses. Outside, basil plants love full-sun locations; when growing indoors they prefer 6 hours of sunlight a day, at the minimum. In general, most herbs require 10 to 16 hours of supplemental light. Basil prefers the same temperatures … Truth is, growing sustained, harvestable amounts of herbs indoors … Keep reading to learn more about growing basil indoors! Mother nature provides most of what a healthy herb needs naturally. Deadheading will increase the vegetative growth and life of your basil plant. Avoid drafty locations – 80℉ is the minimum temperature basil needs to thrive. So, if your basil plant is getting four hours of light from the sun, you should then aid it with an additional four to eight hours of light from your grow lamp. Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow indoors, providing you can give it enough light. However, basil grown indoors can also be given … Grow at least 3 basil plants to enjoy a continuous harvest. Avoid drafty locations – 80℉ is the minimum temperature basil needs to thrive. Otherwise, these potted plants may need to be grown under fluorescent lights. In the late spring and summertime here in Toronto, I do not use grow lights at all but … With their fresh smell that brings back the memory of a summer garden, basil is the perfect herb to grow indoors. Basil is a fragrant herb you can grow during winter to help you overcome the cold winter months. Then, this will ensure short, stocky plants that are better adapted to outdoor growing. Keep the lights as close to the seedlings as possible without touching (2 to 3 inches). Then don’t think twice; this herb can easily grow inside, just like its mother – the common basil. A sunny south-facing window may be all you need, but in most cases, additional light and warmth will be required to successfully grow basil indoors.
Sprouting from seed, producing an abundance of fresh leaves, then flowering and going to seed all over the course of a few months.

All the winter with some care. Additionally, when growing basil indoors, lighting is important. Determine the lighting needs based on the herbs you will be growing indoors. This is especially true in the fall, winter, and early spring months. Evaluate the light intensity required for your herbs. When you grow basil indoors, you will need LED plant grow lights as a substitute for the sun to actually be successful. Basil can grow really well all year round. While growing basil indoors is not terribly difficult, many people often find that their plants do not thrive as they would when grown outdoors.
Better Option - Fluorescent Grow Lights Fluorescent grow lights are a good option that won't break the bank.

A southern-facing window makes an ideal spot to place your indoor plants. For long periods of the year, depending on where you live, herbs can do quite well on a window sill with a sunny aspect, but growing herbs under grow lights, and in some cases, hydroponically, you have MUCH greater ability to control the environment. As for me, I am sticking to 60-70 degrees because my plants seem to grow even better at a …

In order to grow Thai basil plants indoors, it’s important to mimic the outdoor conditions of summertime. The light intensity will be determined by the bulb wattage of the indoor lights and how close the plant needs to be to the light source.

Provide plants with plenty of sunlight - supplementing with grow lights if necessary - and keep them in a warm location.

These herbs will need a sunny window that gets at least eight hours of sun a day. In outdoor gardens, it requires at least 6-8 hours of light. To successfully grow basil indoors, provide the light and warmth it would receive if it were growing outside. In urban settings with limited or exclusively indoor space, a larger growing container is the best solution for basil. Thai basil is a very resilient and easy-going variety of basil. Growing basil indoors is super easy. 3. How to Grow Basil Indoors. Since basil is an annual, it grows very quickly. For the best results, use a grow light set up so your herbs are growing under artificial lights. In fact, many gardeners consider growing Thai basil to be much simpler than growing … Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow indoors from seed. - Potential solutions to this problem: space and climate permitting, growing basil outdoors will likely result in a larger plant. Alternatively, basil does exceptionally well under lights also, and with a regular compact fluorescent bulb, you can grow enough basil to keep your kitchen stocked all year round. Basil isn't super demanding about light, but it does need to get enough. With this type of lighting, basil plants will need about 10 hours of light for healthy growth.