Finally, let the rice cook for 10-15 minutes or until it's tender. 2 1/2 cups boiling water. With this feature, you can steam tender and flavorful vegetables at the same time as your rice to save time and counter space. salt. If your rice cooker has a steam basket, this handy function allows you to use this convenient appliance for more than cooking rice. Then, drain the soaking water and add 1 part fresh water per 1 part of rice.

You’ll need the following items if you want the goodness of steamed rice but don’t have a rice cooker: But there are ways to still get the goodness of steamed rice even without a steamer. It has plenty of carbs so you’re full of energy after eating steamed rice. Whether using an electric steamer or pan, once the time is up, remove your pot of cooked rice and transfer immediately into a second bowl, fluffing it up as you do so to release any trapped steam. To cook white rice without a rice cooker, start by adding rice and cold water to a saucepan and letting the rice soak for 10-15 minutes.

The pot being used to cook the broccoli in requires a lid so that the steam doesn’t escape. Then, drain the soaking water and add 1 part fresh water per 1 part of rice. And the post I had written and kept in the draft folder on 5 ways to perfectly steam sticky rice has suddenly been rendered obsolete. Watch this video to learn a genius trick to steam vegetables and other foods with just a bit of tinfoil and a heatproof plate. How To Steam Rice Without a Steamer. In addition, steaming vegetables in a tray just above your rice can enhance the nutrients and flavor of your rice. Alternatively, add ¼ cup of water to a skillet and bring it to a boil.

To cook white rice without a rice cooker, start by adding rice and cold water to a saucepan and letting the rice soak for 10-15 minutes.

Rice is also a grain so there are great amounts of fiber in it that will result in a fuller stomach.

I’ve tried this method many times since then, mostly just to prove him a misguided heretic.

It only takes 3-3 1/2 minutes to steam broccoli in the microwave. By Matthew Bennett.

How to steam broccoli without a steamer: On the stove, broccoli is quickly steamed in a pot with an inch or two of boiling water.

The best way to prepare rice is to steam it with a rice cooker or in your Teflon pot. The openings in the mesh are usually large enough that rice would fall into your steamer's reservoir, so pouring rice in the steamer basket isn't an option. It’s done without a steamer. Place rice in a greased ovenproof casserole dish; sprinkle with salt and pour the boiling water over. Next, bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat before reducing the heat to low and covering the pan. To steam broccoli without a steamer, start by cutting it into small pieces and placing it in a microwave-safe bowl with 3 tablespoons of water. Three ways to steam vegetables without a steamer basket. Bamboo steamers have bottoms comprised of thin, parallel slats through which steam wafts and latticed lids that contain it. But in the end, I, too, have willingly joined the cult of splatter guard. Vegetable steamers have a mesh or grid-style bottom, which holds vegetables in place but lets hot steam pass freely.

It is versatile too as it goes with savory dishes like Nam Tok Nua, which can be grilled on the BBQ for Khao Jee or for sweets and desserts like Mango with Sticky Rice.. There’s quite a lot of ways you can successfully cook sticky rice too. This allows moist convection heat to envelop and cook the rice grains inside without agitating them or releasing enough starch to cause stickiness. "Steamed Rice" 1 cup rice.

1 tsp. Steamed rice is a great side dish! The smaller bite sized pieces will cook that quickly. Rhoda Boone, Epi's food director, supports my skip-the-steamer-basket claim, but her go-to method involves a plate.