I love strolling through a Farmer’s Market or the produce section in stores to see all of the stunning colors. These crispy purple sweet potato fries are a perfect side dish. Roasted Purple Sweet Potato Fries are an amazingly delicious and crispy with the scent of lemon and a touch of spice. Crispy Oven Roasted Purple Sweet Potato Fries. They have little to no fat, 1.3 grams of fiber, 1.4 grams of protein, and only 12 grams of carbs. health benefits of Purple Sweet Potatoes.

Inspiration. The purple yams you find in the grocery store are usually from the family of sweet potatoes — the orange variety — rather than yams. Or you can eat it as a snack.
Baked purple sweet potatoes make a delicious side dish that can boost your health by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Purple sweet potatoes are low in calories at just around 50 calories per potato. They’re a great vegetarian snack or side dish. Ingredients 2 medium purple potatoes 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper Both with a healthy yoghurt dipping sauce made from plain yoghurt or Greek yoghurt mixed with a pinch of garlic powder and a pinch of black pepper.