They naturally select their own food, making their droppings completely organic: ripe fruit and healthy insects are in abundance in the rain forest, a natural environment undisturbed by man. Over the years, Femeg has added other organic fertilisers to the product line, such as palm tree ash from Sumatra and seaweed powder … Toggle navigation. The proof that the bat guano from Guanokalong is ultimately organic is that the bats choose their own food themselves. For indoor use, mix 1kg Guanokalong Powder with 100 - 200 litres of compost in the 1st week. This guano has been piling up for hundreds of years in caves and over time was changed in to compost. In addition, 'Guanokalong' improves flavor, quality and the amount of your crop. Or mix 50g per plant in a 15-litre pot. To completely fertilize it's advisable to add extra nitrogen and potassium. Guanokalong® BatBoost includes droppings from bats living in the rain forest.

Bat Guano, czyli czysty nawóz z odchodów nietoperzy, jest najlepszym i najlepiej zbilansowanym nawozem jaki oferuje natura. Guanokalong Seaweed Powder is a new product included in the GK Organics range of nutrients formulated by Guanokalong. It is completely organic and made of red seaweed (Gracilaria). Powdered bat guano is the perfect fertilizer for your cannabis plants’ flowering period and is generally mixed in with the substrate.

His company name Femeg is an abbreviation of Flower Ecology van Meggelen; Guanokalong® is not only highly suitable for fruits and vegetables but also for flowers!

The organic guano fertilizer is produced with the aid of natural ingredients from the droppings of bats. This bat guano is the perfect bloom nutrient for your plants. You’ll be able to grow incredibly amazing plants with thick, delicious flowers thanks to this 100% organic fertilizer. It can also be applied as a thin layer over the top. Bat and bird guano once served as a valuable natural resource that greatly influenced the military power of … Guanokalong Jest 19 produktów. Naturalne nawozy pozyskiwane z odchodów nietoperzy. Gunpowder from Guano The bird guano so kindly deposited on our homes and freshly washed cars contains much more value than what unpleasantly meets the eye. Zalety Bat Guano: Stymuluje wzrost i kwitnienie. Home; Why Us; Products; Contact Us; Track my Order Widok; Siatka Lista Sortuj wg. Guanokalong .

Guanokalong Organic Bat Guano Powder - Compost, Taste, Yield and Quality Enhancer An exciting, easy to use, organic additive that allows you to harness the benefits of natural bat guano. Now available in Alchimiaweb. As I mentioned, Bat Guano Powder isn’t a complete NPK fertiliser. Bat Guano stymuluje rozwój korzeni i organizmów glebowych, sprzyja zdrowemu wzrostowi i kwitnieniu, a także zapewnia doskonały zapach i smak.