2. 4. So, if you’ve got 10 minutes to spare, why not check out these 100 strange but true facts that will shock you! 1. False . 7. True. Funny true or false questions and answers will give you a great source of amusement and astonishment. John … The world is an enchanting place, and it is filled with bizarre and fascinating info that you just may need by no means realized had been true. Discover Which Unusual Job Is Perfect for … TRIVIA HARD. Answer These True/False Questions and We'll Guess What Your Job Is. There are somewhere between 10 and 200 billion billion stars in the universe. Germany drinks the most beer in the world per person. Scientific Facts That Aren’t Actually True. Prev Article Next Article . Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy and died in France. The kids’ bathroom on The Brady Bunch didn’t have a toilet. Ronald Reagan was a waiter during high school. Nemo is a puffer fish. Wrong! Let’s solve! Abraham Lincoln had no middle name. 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min. True or False Fun Trivia Facts. 3. 7 Minute Quiz 7 Min. If you fancy seeing how your friends would do with 33 specially written true or false questions then RadioTimes.com is here for you, with a gift-wrapped round for your next online quiz. Lightning by no means strikes in an identical place twice. WORLD AVG SCORE: 60% 2.6K PLAYS ... Are These Country Facts True or False? True or false trivia questions – A choice of ready-made pub quiz questions where all contestants should do is resolving if the query is true or false. Wrong!-The male seahorse carries the young. True Or False: Mind-Blowing Facts And Statistics.

The medical name for a butt crack is “intergluteal … 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min. Fun True or False Questions If you think you know fact from fiction, try to answer these true and false questions correctly. The Hardest “True Or False” Quiz You will take At the moment. Correct! 5. False . True . And there are somewhere between 2.5 and 10 billion billion grains of sand on Earth .

-Sound travels faster through air than through steel. Correct! 6. Donkey Kong got his name because his creator believed ‘donkey’ meant ‘stupid’ in English and wanted to convey the impression that the character was a “Stupid Ape”. PERSONALITY. Let’s solve! PERSONALITY. There was no World Series in 1994. You might think these facts sound totally false, but trust us, they’re totally true! True .