no there isn't an animal who is cold blooded and warm blooded they are either cold blooded or warm blooded. The immune system of warm blooded animals is also better developed. Warm Blooded Cold Blooded - Displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.. Unlike a person, however, sea lions are capable of swimming all day in freezing cold water. Ask for details ; Follow Report by Csnnikitha8052 01.12.2018 Log in to add a comment Typically anything that can live in colder temperatures for long periods of time are warm-blooded, they can generate heat and warmth from their own metabolism. Birds and mammals can regulate their temperatures through different methods. Cold-blooded are the animals which cannot regulate their internal body temperature according to the required level and they keep on changing their temperature according to the changes in external environment temperature. What Make Animals Cold Blooded and Warm-Blooded Meaning and Reason Cold-Blooded Animals Meaning.

For example, in cold weather, birds can generate body heat by converting most of the foods they eat into energy. In particular, homeothermic species maintain a stable body temperature by regulating metabolic processes. Cold blooded animal or scientifically called as ectotherm, are the ones that do not have a mechanism for regulating body temperature, if you’ve observed a lizard, you might know that they spend a lot of time laying in the sun – it’s a matter of survival for them! Warm Blooded Cold Blooded. Being cold-blooded, however, also has its advantages. Titanosaurs were found in the Antarctic * Anatomy. Most groups of plants and animals are richer in … The warm-blooded predators—the whales, the seals, the penguins of the world—bucked an almost universal pattern. Question: Are hippopotamus warm blooded or cold blooded? Warm-blooded animals are animal species that are able to adapt to the different environmental changes. Here is the complete list of animals. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Dinosaurs warm blooded birds or cold blooded reptiles, Characteristics of vertebrate groups, Vertebrate classifications, Exploring the differences between animals, Dinosaurs warm blooded or cold blooded, Plant reproduction, Life … Cold-blooded animals require much less energy to survive than warm-blooded animals do. Birds and mammals are warm-blooded animals because they can keep their body temperatures constant regardless of the surrounding temperatures. Snakes and reptiles are cold blooded and rely on basking in the sun or staying in the shade to heat up and cool down. Yes, sealions are warmblooded. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. For example, in cold weather, birds can generate body heat by converting most of the foods they eat into energy.

A lion who is homeothermic, and therefore warm-blooded, must eat as example about ten times more than an endothermic crocodile, and therefore cold-blooded, of the same size.

When the sun is out, however, their bodies soak up the heat and become warmer. Warm blooded: Lions, Cats, Dogs, Birds etc. There are many different types of animals on Earth; consisting of cold blooded and warm blooded creatures. Cold blooded: Snakes, Crocodiles, turtles etc.

Cold-blooded animals also need to be warm and active to find a mate and reproduce. The only known living homeotherms are birds and mammals, though ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs are believed to have been homeotherms.

mainly reptiles. For warm-blooded predators, the price of survival under these tough conditions is worth paying because around the poles, their cold-blooded prey is "cold, stupid and slow." Birds and mammals can regulate their temperatures through different methods. Cold-blooded Prater comes through in clutch for Lions. Question: What are the predators of hippopotamus?