I planted 4 plants of each about 6 feet apart of each, but I could have spaced them even more. Growing your own raspberries is a lot easier than you might think. How to Plant Raspberries.

If you’re planting multiple bushes, it’s easiest to dig a trench. Hugelkultur means “hill culture ”, to grow plants on mounds that have been built using specific layering strategies. Choose a spot in full sun (where the plant will get at least six hours of direct sunlight per day) and well-drained soil; dig in some compost to give them a jump-start.You can buy raspberries bare-root in the spring or as container-grown plants for spring, summer, or autumn planting. Yellow and reds can be a little closer at 2-3 feet apart. The Very Best Way to Plant Raspberries. Whether you’re planting bare-root or potted plants, keep the crown of the plant 1 or 2 inches above the ground. If you want to know how to grow raspberries, you should first know that raspberries ripen shortly after strawberries. Plant raspberries in spring. Sometimes a lot more, sometimes a little less during dry years. And both are known as bramble fruits, which grow in dense, shrubby masses that can be almost impenetrable once they are fully mature. I plant raspberries and blackberries the same way, putting them in a slight mound about 2 inches above the soil line. I plant mine on exterior garden fencerows. Water your plant well and continue to water regularly. The wood on the bottom layer soaks up moisture throughout the year and holds on to it, then slowly releases it when the conditions become dryer. Store the canes in a cool position and keep them moist for a few days until conditions change. The best way to … Crop rotation. They have filled in more than I ever thought they would. Sample the soil before planting and contact your local cooperative extension office for assistance.

Plant. Raspberries can be planted any time during the dormant season, between November and March, providing the soil is not frozen or waterlogged. The soil should be well drained and have a pH of about 5.8 to 6.5. Trellis or Support. You can do this by building a trellis or by using a fence for support. They don’t last long once harvested. Do not plant raspberries where nightshade family plants, strawberries, or wild raspberries were grown in the last 3 years, as those plants can harbor diseases that damage raspberries. Raspberries are vigorous growers and will produce runners that fill up a bed. The yield of just a couple of raspberry canes can fill 4 or 5 punnets over the course of a season so the investment is well worth making. They are in their 6th year now, and we routinely get 10 to 15 quarts of each.

How to Plant Raspberries . Before planting, soak the roots for an hour or two. In this article we are going to take a look at growing raspberries in your … Planting & … Both species are from the Rubus genus.

They prefer a sandy loam soil that is rich in organic matter.

They are sold as either: bare-root canes (the roots are exposed when you buy, usually mail order) or in containers. Plants use nutrients from the soil as they grow, so replenishing the nutrients ensures your plants grow to their full potential. If the ground is frozen or water-logged, don't plant your raspberries until the soil is workable. Most people grow summer-fruiting raspberries, which are ready for harvesting in early summer. Leave 6 feet between rows. Fertilize. Fertilise raspberries with Tui Strawberry Food in spring and autumn. Two of the most popular shrubby fruit plants in North America are raspberries and blackberries.

The best way to store them is They don’t last long once harvested. Plant black raspberries 4 feet apart. Space different varieties of raspberries 100 feet apart. Dig a hole that is roomy enough for the roots to spread. Matching soil pH to plant requirements can be a huge factor in your success. … WHEN AND HOW TO PLANT RASPBERRY BUSHES Raspberries are best planted from late autumn to early spring. Feed your berries and they will feed you. Caring For Raspberries.

The mounds can either be built right on top of the ground, or, as we did, in trenches.

When the raspberries come off the plant easily they are ready for harvesting.