An easy and healthy way to detoxify your body before and after the holidays! Top 10 Keto Friendly Infused Water Recipes Summer is just around the corner and with it, cool, refreshing drinks. This DIY detox tea loaded with lime and ginger is designed to be used in between your holiday parties and to start a new year. With my 10-day Keto-Green Quick Start Detox outlined in The Hormone Fix, you’ll start living the See more ideas about Detox recipes, Detox tea recipe, Fit tea detox. If you prefer a smaller portion, the recipe makes 2 cups, which could be enjoyed alongside your regular breakfast. Cover and steep for 4 hours. Consuming green tea in this way is loaded with anti-oxidants and the mentally calming amino acid l-theanine. Tonya W. I have purchased Keto Detox Tea 6 times and will not be without it. When you think of rocket-fuel and coffee together, you imagine a super strong … H ere’s a cleansing detox cure to keep you sparkly, vitalized and fitting easily into your party dresses. In The Hormone Fix, you’ll discover a full 10-day plan, including what to eat day by day, delicious, mouth-watering recipes, and how to eat after the initial detox is over for ongoing weight loss. After having my baby over a year ago and trying everything I decided to give Keto Detox Tea a try so glad I did, I don't have any sugar cravings and I'm down 14 pds in just under a month. Instructions Combine the water, lemon zest, and ginger in a large stainless saucepan. If you are on the keto diet , then you don’t want to blow your carbs on some ice cream based or sugar filled drinks, but let’s face it; plain water is a bore. Jun 26, 2017 - Explore princesssemperf's board "skinny fit recipes" on Pinterest. It's low in carbs, high in healthy fats, magnesium and potassium, making it the ideal meal to fight keto flu.. Keto Matcha Green Tea. Recipe tip: If you like your smoothie liquid rather than thick, thin it out with a little more almond milk. This recipe makes one very large green smoothie – a generous 1 pint – which IS breakfast.. Instead of infusing water with tea leaves, you actually dump the powdered leaves into water and consume them entirely. Matcha tea is a super concentrated powder made from green tea leaves. Bring to a boil and then remove from the heat. Ingredients: brewed coffee or tea, full-fat coconut milk, cocoa powder, chia seeds, MCT oil or extra virgin coconut oil, vanilla bean powder or alcohol-free vanilla extract, alcohol-free stevia. Packed with superfoods, this keto smoothie is a healthy breakfast option for your ketogenic eating. I used green tea powder aka matcha which apart from having many health benefits goes great with coconut milk and vanilla.