What they needed: a big fish, to be based in a small pond (Namibia). GOOD LUCK!!!! Small Fish In A Big Pond Or Big Fish In A Small Pond - Career Dilemma Pls Advice ... but I recommend you to work on your own goal against your career and field of interest. We went big fish in CS pond, for 2 years. Small Fish In A Big Pond Or Big Fish In A Small Pond - Career Dilemma Pls Advice ... but I recommend you to work on your own goal against your career and field of interest. There are advantages to every pond size. It was Davis (1966) who first researched this phenomenon, although, he actually referred to it as “big frog in a small pond”, not “big fish” but I digress.

If you’re trying to be a small fish in a big pond, you’re going against the largest agencies in the world to try to get business. Unfortunately, not many want to live and work in a small pond. Or small fish in big pond? I can not speak to this experience, but I can speak to little fish in AAA vs big fish in CS. Drive brand awareness, increase leads and sales with SEM.

Being a small fish in a bigger pond helps!!! Career Corner: Big fish in a small pond. At Big Fish, play inspires everything we do—from bringing delight to millions of players around the world through exceptional games, building best workplace environments, to attracting world-class talent. At Big Fish, play inspires everything we do—from bringing delight to millions of players around the world through exceptional games, building best workplace environments, to attracting world-class talent. The big-fish–little-pond effect (BFLPE) is a frame of reference model introduced by Herbert W. Marsh and John W. Parker in 1984. I’ve been both the small fish and the big fish, and I’ve loved and struggled with both. However, small pond men also have major limitations. Here I am the classic Big Fish in a small pond. According to the model, individuals compare their own self-concept with their peers and equally capable individuals have higher self-concepts when in a less capable group than in a more capable group. A big fish in a small pond is an expression used to describe someone who is important or powerful (a “big fish”) in a small organization, market, or other entity (the “small pond”). Although both of these jobs would assist the individual in moving forward in reaching their career goals; being a big fish in a small pond in this scenario will give you a chance to handle responsibilities typically assigned to the director and thus make your resume more marketable for future positions.

If you can keep growing bigger in the big pond you should stay, but if you hit an incomprehensible barrier you should consider moving to the small pond.