It has about 200 ppb phosphates, so that is where a lot of it is coming from. Proper treatment can only begin when the level of phosphates has been accurately determined. This page explains why phosphates can lead to pool swimming pool algae problems and the best ways to remove them from the water. a resource for pool and spa help and informed shopping!! Phosphates in pool and spa water can cause a variety of water quality issues, including clouding.

Normally the levels are below 125 ppm and are of no concern.

The main ways of phosphates finding their way into the pool are: The wind blows dirt into your pool Sprinkler run off from your lawn or landscaping enters your pool Leaves, twigs, or bark enters your water Nitrogen Nitrogen can also come into your pool from garden products, but more typically, it’s introduced through humans! Phosphates in pool and spa water can cause a variety of water quality issues, including clouding. If you add it while the pool is cloudy, it'll get cloudier to the point that you'll be describing it as milky. Phosphates are chemicals containing the element phosphorous, and they affect water quality by causing excessive growth of algae. But, not every test kit contains a test for phosphate levels in it. . Now that I have gotten it near 0 it should be pretty easy to keep it there. Phosphates are mostly inorganic materials that have the potential to feed and encourage algae growth in your swimming pool, as well as cloud your water.

Runoff from ground water, decayed plant matter, waste from pool users, acid rain, sweat, contaminated well water, urine and bird droppings can all contribute to phosphate problems. You can test the tap water separately for phosphates.

Phosphorus occurs naturally in rocks and other mineral deposits.

Phosphates are mostly inorganic materials that have the potential to feed and encourage algae growth in your swimming pool, as well as cloud your water. Answer Phosphates often come from dead and decayed organics in. During the natural process of weathering, the rocks gradually release the phosphorus as phosphate ions which are soluble in water and the mineralize phosphate compounds breakdown. Algae needs sun, water, air, and a food source such as nitrates and phosphates to flourish. I guess the extra came from leaves.

You can easily test the phosphate levels in the pool water by using test kits available on the market.

That is why a swimming pool … Hi there, yes phosphates can be in your tap water.

a resource for pool and spa help and informed shopping!! Even swimming in a pool wearing clothes that were washed in detergent containing phosphates can cause them to taint your pool water. Once your pool is sparkling and balanced and you're enjoying it again, then if you want to lower phosphates -- say you already bought the stuff and can't return it -- that's the time to do it. Where do phosphates in water come from? Phosphates come from the breaking down of organic matter in the pool water.

Algae needs sun, water, air, and a food source such as nitrates and phosphates to flourish. This can be from fertilizer in your own lawn, or it can. Phosphorus and Water. Dead leaves, insects, perspiration, human skin cells and even rainwater produce phosphates upon decay. be blown in from the wind (even invisible amounts). ! When I first tested the pool water it was about 400 ppb. . . The first step is to know the present phosphate levels in the pool water. Phosphates also contribute to pool scum at water lines and to salt chlorine generator scaling.


Some city water actually add phosphates to the water to protect the pipes from corrosion. If you have had persistent trouble with algae- and it always seems to come back, you may have a phosphate problem in your pool.