As a general rule, they tend to do best in early morning and afternoon sun, although some, such as Geranium sanguineum and Geranium pratense and their varieties thrive in full sun, providing there is adequate moisture in the soil.

As lovely and useful as perennial geraniums are, not all of them are winners in the flower border. This not only helps prevent overgrown geraniums, but will also reduce or fix leggy geranium plants. And 5 of the most highly recommended varieties... By Stephanie Donaldson. Geranium Rozanne certainly meets those standards, which is not true of all geraniums. Causes of Leggy Geranium Plants. Expert hardy geranium care tips. Geraniums will grow tall and leggy if they're not pruned regularly. You can use a pair of shears—or simply use your hands. The optimal time to divide specific perennials is denoted by (S) for spring and (F) for early fall. This will keep the parent plant compact and give the geranium's neighbors more space. For natural areas, Geranium maculatum is a woodland geranium native to eastern North America, and G. pratense is a meadow species – with the double-flowered cultivar ‘Plenum violaceum’ receiving the Royal Horticulture Society’s coveted Award of Garden Merit (AGM). In wet autumns, delay until spring. Most leggy growth on geraniums is the result of irregular pruning maintenance. But the geranium stems tend to be soft, green, skinny things, wasn't sure if it was a good choice of methods, or if there might be a better way. How to Grow Cranesbill Geraniums. While you can divide most perennials any time from spring to fall, those two seasons are best. Before dividing it, make sure the plant is well watered the day before. Cutting back the plants allows for new growth and longer-lasting blooms, bringing out the best in these bright, cheerful garden staple. Divide your cranesbill geraniums every 3 to 4 years (dig up the clump, cut into several pieces and replant). The best time to do this is in Spring, April is normally about right. In addition to garden or zonal geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum), ivy geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum) fill baskets and scented-leaved geraniums (Pelargonium spp.) Geraniums make great edgers and are wonderful for use under leggy plants, like roses. When to divide perennials. Plants can be divided successfully at almost any time if they are kept well-watered afterwards. ... Wild Geraniums. How to Prune and Deadhead Your Geraniums. How to grow hardy geraniums Cultivation.

Clint, I've done that many times with hydrangeas and it works like a charm. However, division is most successful when the plants are not in active growth. This not only helps prevent overgrown geraniums, but will also reduce or fix leggy geranium plants. A free-flowering clump former like Rozanne is especially nice at the base of an entry gate or on the corner of a garden border.

They are the ideal choice for busy gardeners, as they require little maintenance to thrive. After the growing season is finished, pruning back the geraniums will help them stay healthy and dormant during the colder months. HOW TO DIVIDE GERANIUM ROZANNE If, after five years or so, the number of flowers produced starts to decline, then it may be time to divide your Geranium Rozanne. Two asterisks mean that protective gloves should be worn when dividing the plant, since its sap may irritate skin. Some spread so quickly they are better used as groundcovers and others put on a brief show and then turn ugly unless cut back and cared for. A single asterisk indicates that division should take place after the plant flowers. Mind the gap: Alan Titchmarsh's tips on growing geraniums IF YOU'RE looking to fill gaps in your beds and borders, plant hardy geraniums. Genus Geranium can be annuals, biennials and perennials, herbaceous or evergreen, with rounded, usually palmately lobed or divided leaves, and lax inflorescences of rounded, 5-petalled flowers Details Rozanne is a vigorous spreading perennial to 60cm tall, with neat, dense, lobed foliage and bowl-shaped violet-blue flowers 5cm wide, with a white centre, opening from early summer to early autumn. This is because dividing your perennials can be stressful on the plants—and they'll recover better from the shock in cool, moist conditions. Wait until the flowers have died and the geranium has gotten a little leggy, in late summer or early to mid-fall. Get the most out of your plant with these two simple maintenance practices. Prune geraniums in preparation for winter. Causes of Leggy Geranium Plants. I divide them if the clumps get too large, otherwise only when I am splitting them up in order to create plants to sell. To deadhead your geraniums, rather than simply pulling off the top flowers, you need to go a little deeper in the plant and snap the stem below its node or joint, where new growth begins. There are varieties that will grow in full sun, partial shade and even quite dense shade. Perennial geraniums vary in height from 15 to 75 cm (6 to 30 inches), depending upon the variety. Cranesbill geraniums (Geranium spp. Pinching geraniums is a type of geranium pruning that forces the plant to grow more compact and bushy. Aug 2, 2017 ... • Get advice on what to feed geraniums and the top five recommended varieties. Cranesbill geraniums also make a good camouflage plant for covering any low-lying eyesores. Divide summer-flowering plants in spring (Mar-May) or autumn (Sep-Nov) when the soil is dry enough to work.