Fenugreek seeds cure indigestion and diarrhea. Usually you don't want anything more than this anyway. What should you eat when you have diarrhea? You have probably heard doctors say that going on the “BRAT” diet is one of your best options when you are dealing with diarrhea.
These foods aren’t really good for you even when you are not vomiting. After you experience the most explosive symptoms of food poisoning, like vomiting, diarrhea, and upset stomach, experts recommend letting your stomach rest.

Water is best. When your stomach hurts or you feel like you might throw up, the last thing you want to do is eat something that makes it worse. Write down absolutely everything you eat or drink, including condiments, seasoning (if possible) and all liquids. Gradually add semisolid foods back into your diet as your diarrhea subsides and your bowel movements return to normal.

Foods That Stop Diarrhea. Bananas. Find out what foods you should eat and which you should avoid when you have diarrhea. To aid digestion and regain what’s being lost during menstruation, ditch sugary, salty, fatty treats in favor of heart-friendly, high-fiber meals, with tons of fruits and vegetables. Drink at least 1 cup (240 milliliters) of liquid every time you have a loose bowel movement. Foods and drinks that worsen diarrhea are: High-sugar containing foods (cakes, cookies, candy, juice, soda) Dairy (milk, ice cream, cheese) 1. There is an abundance of delicious foods to eat on your period to get you through the monthly pain and discomfort. There are a number of foods you can eat when recovering from a bout of diarrhea.

Yogurt and Fenugreek Seeds. Avoid fatty foods that are heavy on the stomach. Find out the causes and what foods can help and what foods and drinks you should stay away from when you're feeling sick. This helps maintain the proper balance of good bacteria in your intestines. Yogurt. Keep a list of the foods you eat to determine which foods make your diarrhea worse and avoid them. Canned Fruit. Having diarrhea isn't fun, but we all experience it. What to Eat After Diarrhea—5 Food Options.

Doctors help you with trusted information about Diarrhea in Influenza: Dr. Akl on what to eat when you have the flu and diarrhea: There is no special answer here except keep it bland and simple. Asked in Diarrhea

Eating foods such as plain toast, white rice and saltine crackers will provide your body with the energy it needs to recover. These things may help you feel better if you have diarrhea: Drink 8 to 10 glasses of clear fluids every day. Since it is already peeled and ready to eat, canned fruit is a good option, though you will want to avoid fruit that promotes bowel function such as … Diarrhea can dehydrate you so it's important to drink plenty of water. Running to the toilet with diarrhea is no fun, and in some cases can be a serious health concern. According to the Mayo Clinic, you want to avoid fatty, greasy, fried foods, dairy, highly seasoned foods and foods high in … You can add a pinch of salt.

As you or your child recovers from diarrhea, continue to consume electrolyte-based fluids and broth, while eating easy-to-digest foods. Diarrhea can be made better or worse by a variety of foods so it is important to pay attention to what you eat. Here is a list of foods to help with diarrhea. 2. Eat some salty foods, such as pretzels, soup, and sports drinks. If you have diarrhea that may have been caused by eating a certain food, you can try to identify the food item by keeping a diary of what you eat every day, cross-referenced to when the symptom occurs. Eat small meals throughout the day, instead of 3 big meals. Drink Fluids

Sodium helps retain water and counteract dehydration. As you’ve probably been informed, “BRAT” stands for “Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast” and is also called the “Bland Food Diet”.
These foods include: 1. Salty or Greasy Foods. Additionally, if you have excess stomach acid, these will help soak it up once digested in the stomach. 1. If simple boiled white rice is not enough to get you to eat, you can grate an apple … Because certain foods can worsen symptoms, in order to start feeling better you need to know what to eat to get rid of diarrhea — and what not to eat.

Try each method to treat diarrhea until you find the one that’s right for you. Here are 5 common options you should follow after diarrhea. NBC Universal Television In addition to eating tummy-friendly foods, it's important to stay hydrated when suffering from diarrhea as bouts of this bowel movement can dehydrate you. The last thing many people want to do when they have diarrhea is eat, but if you let a couple of hours go by, you will get hungry and you will want to eat… When you have diarrhea, you lose a lot of water so you should drink a lot of it to prevent dehydration. What to Eat after Diarrhea. These include the following: 1. 14 Best Foods to Eat When You Have Diarrhea 1. What foods stop diarrhea?

Once you have recovered from diarrhea, there are some food options you can try to speed up the healing process.