Learn about the different tests for ED and how they can help. It can be annoying or very embarrassing. This test focuses on detecting inflammation of the prostate , which is used to help determine the ... 2. Accidental urine leakage -- doctors call it “urinary incontinence” -- is a sign of a bladder control problem. Mayo Clinic offers several surgical services and procedures, including but not limited to those listed below.

Creatinine and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Blood Tests. Testosterone Blood Tests. Mayo Clinic urologists diagnose and treat problems involving the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. Urologists work with a team of doctors trained in many areas to determine the most appropriate treatment for your individual needs. Blood Tests.

The genitourinary, vaginal, and rectal examinations are essential for the evaluation of the female patient.
If you have erectile dysfunction, your doctor has tests to help you find the right treatment. Cystoscopy is a procedure that lets the healthcare provider view the urinary tract, particularly the bladder, the urethra, and the openings to the ureters. This module was developed to illustrate the basis technique and methodology of this examination. This may include early signs of cancer, infection, narrowing, blockage, or bleeding. Urological diseases are diagnosed through urology tests and procedures. 1.

Conclusion. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Blood Tests. Some urology tests are only for males while some urology tests for females. In addition, in this presentation a specific diagnosis is discussed.

3. Cystoscopy evaluation is generally done to diagnose urogenital fistula. However, most tests are non-specific and are done in both.
Tests For Diagnosing Urovaginal (urogenital) Fistula. Cystoscopy can help find problems with the urinary tract.