The resource library is a collection of curated content aligned to the Future Ready framework. Ready LibrariansTM recognize the value of library professionals. A personalized, student-centered learning environment. Search through the resource database using FRS gear filters or search titles for your area of interest. Research-based digital learning strategies implemented by caring and qualified teachers. Future Ready Schools ® (FRS) believes that every child, regardless of zip code or family income, deserves access to.

Creating exciting and dynamic opportunities for future ready learners requires shared leadership among school leaders, including librarians, instructional coaches, principals, IT leaders, and district administration. support their school or district’s Future Ready Schools ... Partners with educators to design and implement evidence-based curricula and assessments that integrate elements of deeper learning, critical thinking, information literacy, digital citizenship, creativity, innovation, and the active use of technology. What do we do: Identify and promote innovative models of school libraries and librarianship to district leaders, librarians SCHOOL LIBRARY Alignments The school library enables generation of new knowledge by: 1. Future Ready Librarians® lead beyond the library, collaborating not only with teacher colleagues but also with building and district leaders to prepare future ready learners.
Read the Statement.

Future-Ready Librarian Framework Who we are: As part of Project Connect, we address critical educational challenges by promoting future-ready innovation and sharing progressive, exemplary models of school libraries and librarianship. Future Ready Schools® included librarians as part of their expansive FRS Framework, expanding the signature “gears” to include their work. Resources shared are a combination of thought leadership developed by the FRS team as well as shared assets from the over 60 national coalition partners. CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION, AND ASSESSMENT: Empowers Students as Creators Encourages and facilitates students to become increasingly self-directed as they create digital products of their learning that engage them in critical thinking, collaboration, and authentic real-world problem solving.
Sample Strategies for Future Ready Librarians: ~Collaborative Skypes with classes/libraries in other schools ~Plan with teachers ways to integrate technology and information literacy skills into course units ~Design Digital Citizenship lessons with teachers ~Meet with teams of teachers to plan lessons/units matched to maker spaces in library