For Goat Farming: Read here. ... bottle gourd, pointed gourd), boiled (wax gourd, snake gourd, pointed. One single plant can produce 8-10 harvests. Where consumers want their snake gourd straight rather than curved, tie a pebble at the end of a long piece of string to the flower end to weigh down the fruit and keep it from curl­ing. Introduction to pollinating vegetable gourds: Plants develop seeds through a process known as pollination and it is the transfer of pollen from the stamen (male flower part) to the pistil (female flower part).
Snake gourd care is similar to that of most other gourds. In this video I show how to hand pollinate a gourd plant. Gourd varieties like Ridge gourd, Bitter gourd and Snake gourd are some of the popular vegetables which can be very easily grown in the home garden. How to Hand Pollinate Gourds.

Pointed gourd plant as depicted in Charaka Samhita. It is an annual climbing plant which belongs to Cucurbitaceae. *In addition, adding a small light bulb to the structure attracts moths to pollinate the night-blooming flower. Baked or sauteed snake gourd serves as a tasty side dish. Pollination.

Even while, snake gourd plant grows nicely in any excellent soil, having said that, they produce the maximum efficiency in the areas with sandy loam soils. Early in the morning, a small paintbrush can be used to collect pollen from a male flower, and transfer it to a female flower. Additional Snake Gourd info describes the interior of the striped, speckled fruit as being red, seeded, and slightly slimy. It is in flower from July to September month, and the seeds ripen from September to October. For Bitter Gourd Growing: Read here. Commonly it is known as Chinese Cucumber, Gudda Bean, Club Gourd, Serpent Cucumber, Serpent Gourd, Snake Tomato, Snake Gourd, Viper’s Gourd, Chichinda and Padwal. Ornamental Snake Gourds are long, hard-shelled gourds grown as a curio in the garden. Snake gourds are from a tropical climate and benefit from warm soil and stable temperatures, particularly at night. These plants do not require much attention. You can pollinate a ridge gourd with a ridge gourd flower only. Fertilize as needed. Also consider including a few different kinds of edible gourds. anguina raised for its strikingly long fruit.In Asia, it is eaten immature as a vegetable much like the summer squash and in Africa, the reddish pulp of mature snake gourd is used as an economical substitute for tomato. Snake gourd needs insects to carry out the pollinating process for setting fruits.
Medicinal Uses. It is an annual climbing plant which belongs to Cucurbitaceae. These methods require hand-pollination of the flowers. Watering Snake gourd plants: Under-watering, as well as over-watering, will destroy the Snake gourd plant. I have been growing snake gourds off and on for the past 10 years, mostly because of their fantastic size and shape — up to 6 feet long — and their easy, pest-free culture. Irrigation may be needed in climates with seasonal droughts.

Snake gourd scientifically known as Tricosanthes cucumerina is a plant which bears fruit that is consumed as vegetable. The picture is an indication of type only. For this reason, when planting the seeds - usually during early April - they will benefit from a heated propagator. Pollination snake gourds vegetable. Trichosanthes cucumerina is a tropical or subtropical vine.Its variety T. cucumerina var. #33.Snake Gourd Flower ... gather pollen on their heads and in turn aid in the pollination of the plant. At the same time, its counterpart is an edible wax-skinned gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) that tastes much like a cucumber. Snake Gourd is what we call padavalanga in malayam.It is having a very stinking smell which I hate the most about this plant. Snake Gourds normally respond favorably to fertilizer or manure additions.