Read page 2 of the Do you eat the skin on a sweet potato?

Potato allergies are uncommon but can affect both adults and children. This can be a really tricky question for most people.

Wash and scrub sweet potato well and cut in half lengthwise. It is a good solid food for even early starters. Obviously, baby can't eat an entire avocado so wrap the side with the pit still inside to keep it from getting brown. Although it is safe for dogs to eat sweet potato skin, make sure that there is no mold (can be toxic) on it.Therefore, check the sweet potato skin thoroughly and scrub it well before feeding it to your canine companion.

Using the tip of a sharp knife or a fork, prick the skin of the sweet potato. Enjoy.

Join the discussion today. If you really want to offer potato, make it a sweet potato (yam) which will have more nutrients. It's often easy to confuse sweet potatoes and yams, but they are different plants and not related at all. You can peel off the skin before or after cooking the sweet potato.

This is because its skin has a lot of fiber in it, which can be difficult to digest for babies. You can use any of the cooking methods above to prepare sweet potato as a first food for your baby, although baking the potato in its skin is the easiest! People with a potato allergy may have a mild to severe allergic reaction after eating or …

Place sweet potato on sheet skin side up. Skins from whole baked potatoes are physically awkward to eat.

You need a knife to cut them up, which you often won't have when you're just eating a potato. Since vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, adding some healthy fat such as olive oil to your sweet potato can help you absorb more vitamin A. What you must keep in mind is to remove the skin of the sweet potato.

I certainly do, and now that I know how good they are for me and my body, I will continue consuming them with even more glee than before. If you’re having a sweet potato with another source of fat in your meal, such as meat or fish, skip the fatty additions and sprinkle on some cinnamon to complement the vegetable's sweet flavor. If you are planning to eat it later, spritz a little lemon juice on the open slice and it will stay greener longer. If you eat only the skin of your baked potato, you benefit from more protein and fiber than eating the whole potato. Sweet Potatoes can be given to babies after 6 months once they start to have solid food. You can give them sweet potato, two or three times a week. Also, remember that the sweet potatoes can be … If the potato you use is particularly moist and your baby is at least 6 months of age (read more about deciding when your baby is ready for solids ), then it may not even require pureeing or thinning. The sweet potato may be used in daily diet and in different dishes, but sweet potato allergy symptoms in babies occur If your baby is experiencing allergy and you notice baby vomiting after sweet potatoes this reaction will occur in a very short interval of time. Place the baking sheet on the middle rack of the oven and bake until sweet potato is soft, about 30 minutes. Most people have no problem eating bits of skin, like when the skin is left on fries/wedges, but the whole thing at once is unappetizing.

For a snack or light lunch, try eating your sweet potato, skin and all, with just a hint of butter, or mashing the flesh with a trace of olive oil -- beta-carotene is better absorbed with fat. discussion from the Chowhound General Discussion, Sweet Potato food community. So, can you eat sweet potato skins?