If the soup is primarily something else, like lentils, By all means toss in the frozen chopped spinach at any time, just make sure it’s hotted up, like you said.

This easy recipe is healthy and gluten-free! Then send some to me for taste-testing and I’ll let you know if it worked out OK.

I use frozen spinach all the time in soup, it’s much easier. Learn How to Freeze Spinach so you always have a stash of spinach on hand to add to soups, stews, skillets and smoothies. The beauty of this mushroom spinach soup is that it is ready in just 30 minutes! Yummy. Once the soup comes up to a simmer, add the frozen tortellini and frozen spinach.

Season to taste with salt. If using frozen spinach in place of fresh, you’ll only need 100g. There is no need to thaw either one, just dump them straight in. These days, the only thing that matters is curling up on the couch with a good movie to watch and a bowl full of comforting soup to warm your soul. Fresh spinach doesn’t take long before it starts turning brown and soggy in the refrigerator, so I like to keep freezer bags full of frozen spinach that I can add it to recipes on a whim. You don’t even need to thaw it; just stir in chunks and let them warm in the soup or stew. Freezing instructions: Freeze in portions then defrost in the microwave.

3. This soup could be compared to cream of mushroom soup, but it’s not exactly the same. Cream of Spinach Soup. If you are adding in plain dry pasta, just let it simmer until the pasta has become tender. This is a great way to pack a significant amount of vegetables into a dish, since even a pound of spinach will cook down quickly. Heat until piping-hot, stirring regularly.

10-Minute White Bean Soup with Parmesan and Spinach is ready in 10 minutes and loaded with flavour! soup, let me introduce this Chicken and Spinach Soup.

Nearly any soup, chili, stew, or curry can benefit from the addition of a few ounces of spinach. If you’re looking for an easy-to-make, healthy (and gluten-free!) Cream of mushroom soup can be very time-consuming to make.This mushroom spinach soup is like a shortcut recipe with added nutritional benefits. Chicken and Spinach Soup with Vegetables is a hearty soup packed with beans, green bell peppers, carrots, and tomatoes. Try this cream of spinach soup — or you can always pump up the nutritional value of another soup recipe by adding frozen spinach. If you don't use the soup straight away, you may need to add extra stock or water when you reheat as it will thicken after a while.