Allied fliers took photos of the eruption. A bus ride up the side offers a chance to hike a slippery cinder track. Naples Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius Hike with Lunch or Wine Tasting Excursion Reviews. A Mount Vesuvius hike represents the perfect day trip from Naples if you like the great outdoors and the uncommon destinations. This unique experience lets you see the scale of this sublime Italian icon.

Go on a Mount Vesuvius hike for a view of its crater & the Gulf of Naples. You can reach the Mount Vesuvius National Park by car or with one of the bus services from Pompeii or Herculaneum.

Mount Vesuvius seen in the background from the ruins of Pompeii, the City Vesuvius destroyed in 79AD. Many people are sure that getting to Mount Vesuvius National Park is expensive or complicated.

Few visitors make it to the top of the towering volcano, but those who do enjoy a commanding view. But people still want to climb Mount Vesuvius, maybe for the adrenalin or maybe for its breathtaking natural beauty. Getting to Mount Vesuvius. Perhaps the best way to learn about Mount Vesuvius is by hiking to its summit. As a Neapolitan I beg to differ. The active cone is the high peak on the left side; the smaller one on the right is part of the Somma caldera wall.

With this excursion, you will explore Pompeii ruins destroyed by the notorious Mount Vesuvius ancient eruption and after that, you will hike up the volcano slopes! Ok, it sounds like you're going to do it from the usual drop-off point partway up. It is over six miles from the train station to the summit, and that is thru the city and then up a steep winding road. Travel to Pompeii from Naples for an immersive tour into the ancient Roman city & the volcano that buried it. It is a very popular hike, but not from the train station. Vesuvius, the only active volcano left in Europe. The ancient city of Pompeii — famously ruined in AD 79 when mighty Mount Vesuvius blew its top — is one of Italy's most popular tourist attractions.

Mount Vesuvius Mount Vesuvius as seen from the ruins of Pompeii, which was destroyed in the eruption of AD 79.

The Park was also born from the need to defend the most famous volcano in the world: Vesuvius, a typical example of fence volcano consisting of an external truncated cone, the extinct Mt. How to get to Mount Vesuvius. If you have the oppurtunity to go to the summit, you really must. The replies you were receiving were in reference to the standard bus- … Discover the local cuisine with Neapolitan pizza or wine tasting. Fortunately with started with the volcano and then did Pompeii. Vesuvius" could very well mean the whole enchilada to others like me - and to your boyfriend! A walk is not the way to describe it, it’s an actual hike, and is not that easy. The crater’s lunar landscape is otherworldly, and the views are tough to beat.

Would've been much harder if done in reverse.

Mount Vesuvius is famous as the volcano that erupted in Roman times (AD 79) and buried Pompeii. Explore Naples' legendary Mt. Before I made the trip of Mount Vesuvius, I read a guide that said that climbing Mount Vesuvius is a quick walk. Discover the local cuisine with Neapolitan pizza or wine tasting.

Go on a Mount Vesuvius hike for a view of its crater & the Gulf of Naples. That being said, there were older people up there, people with canes, and small children all visiting Mount Vesuvius. It might sound ironic, especially when we know how potential this volcano is from the proof of Pompei or Herculaneum.