This article is reproduced here without editing except for adding bibliographical information to the footnote entries.] 1 As one might expect, none of the global issues connected to 2 Thessalonians 1 is new to the millennial debate. While there certainly may be "one-text premillennialists" it is not true that premillennialism is based only on Revelation 20.

And supposedly without this passage premillennialism would have no support. This was the prevailing opinion in …

2 Thessalonians 1 provides support for amillennialism because it is in tension with all the other major millennial views. Answer: Premillennialism is the view that Christ’s second coming will occur prior to His millennial kingdom, and that the millennial kingdom is a literal 1000-year reign of Christ on earth. Literal interpretation of Scripture. Question: "What is premillennialism (Chiliasm)?"

Premillennialism holds to a literal interpretation of the end times. We shall consider separately how it is in tension with pre- and midtribulational premillennialism, posttribulational premillennialism, and postmillennialism. Many Christians favor a literal interpretation of Revelation, but critics argue that there a lot of hermeneutical gaps in Premillennialism. [This article, written by the eighth editor of Bibliotheca Sacra, was published in July 1951, John F. Walvoord was the second president of Dallas Theological Seminary and was editor of Bibliotheca Sacra from 1952 through 1985. If you watched or listened to the eschatology roundtable discussion at Desiring God, you heard Sam Storms make the case that when Christ returns, the NT is clear that a number of things will end at that time (sin, corruption, death) and a number of things will begin at that time (our physical resurrection, final judgment, new heavens and new earth). 2.

With this paper I will address the perception that premillennialism is a one passage viewpoint. It sees the events in Revelation 19-20 as a futuristic, progressive chronology, which include 12 phases. Premillennialism depends upon a literal interpretation of prophecy, taking the words in their ordinary meaning. PREMILLENNIALISM IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: FIVE BIBLICALLY DOCTRINAL TRUTHS ... important in supporting the premillen- nial doctrine, many other verses throughout the New Testament also offer support for premillennialism.