March of the Black Queen tells the story of crewman (or possible young boy) aboard one of the ship’s that is transporting slaves from Africa to the Caribbean. I would say the song is a methaphor: they are the black queen, with marching refers to listening to the song and the followers are the listeners; it's pretty much like how a cult works like. “The March Of The Black Queen” is another example of Freddie’s love of oblique lyricism and storytelling featuring elaborate fairy-tales but with a hidden meaning known only to the songwriter.

The song is often regarded as one of Queen’s finest and one which they learned many studio techniques whilst recording the song which they would use on future records. The song that is the toughest for me to understand is probably the March of the Black Queen song. The young man has been raised to believe (like so many of are) that his country is noble and good. Song MeaningThe song is brilliantly conceptual - and I'm sure it's about the Goddess Kali - the Goddess of Death and Destruction - and the effect 'She' ( or more specifically, Seduction) can have on your Soul. anonymous And I really am trying to understand why was the words 'Nigger-sugar' used in the song, why the use for the racial slur?? I've read the lyrics over and over again, and I still dont understand it. But now he is beginning to question the morality of the crown. This moral dilemma is represented musically by the constantly shifting tone …