I called a Japanese maple expert but he refuses to reduce the size, proposing instead to “thin it”. Plant Care 101: Bloodgood Japanese Maple A fresh, richly-hued focal point of any landscape, the Bloodgood Japanese Maple Tree is known for standing out. A Japanese maple is a glorious specimen tree. Trees in containers may need more regular trimming to keep them within the space available, but unless you are growing bonsai, trimming is one chore you can forget with your Japanese maple. Mistake number one is to give the maple large amounts of nitrogen in the first and second years. Tips Limit pruning for branch removal to one-quarter of the entire tree each year. How to Keep Japanese Maple Trees Small ... Minor pruning may control the size of Japanese maple somewhat, but the best way to manage its size is by choosing a suitable variety. Japanese maple's many fine qualities generally make it worth finding space for in the yard. Really heavy or severe pruning of any plant is best done when the plant is completely dormant. Red to burgundy leaf color from spring to leaf drop. I recommend pruning Japanese maple trees twice a year. Landscape designers love to use its vibrant silhouette for good reason: it pops well against grass, flower beds and more. Regarded as one of the best purple-leaved Japanese Maples, award-winning Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' is a large deciduous shrub or small rounded tree of great beauty in all seasons. Pruning Japanese maples correctly is important to the overall health of the tree. Red to burgundy leaf color from spring to leaf drop. Can I successfully reduce this maple… But what sets our Japanese Maple apart from the rest? Family Sapindaceae . In spring, it produces small purple flowers which give way to red fruits. For the most part, I prune mine anytime they need it … About the Japanese Maple ‘Bloodgood’ These graceful, specimen trees look gorgeous in any landscape. Japanese maples have a reputation for transplanting from a field nursery poorly, but root-pruned plants and those from containers should do well. Let’s break them into two categories, upright or dissected and weeping. Some suggest light spring pruning, especially if you want to create the healthiest branches for your tree. Order today for fast shipping! Many have fine autumn colour, and some have ornamental stems The Bloodgood is a fast growing Japanese Maple tree. I would like to reduce the size by one-third. Landscape designers love to use its vibrant silhouette because it pops well against grass, flower beds and more. Essentially, any Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) can be grown in a container, however, some will outgrow their pots more quickly than others. Genus Acer can be deciduous trees or large shrubs with paired, often palmately-lobed leaves and small flowers followed by characteristic winged fruits. Order today for fast shipping!

Pruning Tips. However, that’s not the only time that you can prune Japanese maples. 'Bloodgood' Japanese maple grows slowly and seldom needs heavy pruning, but pruning it early in life will help improve its shape and reveal the trunk's ornamental qualities. I recommend pruning Japanese maple trees twice a year. The first pruning should be in mid-winter before any warmer weather has even attempted to set in.

Japanese maples are spectacular landscape tree specimens that offer year-round color and interest. Often seen with small, upright, rounded habits with layers of branches filled with 5-9 lobed, palmate leaves in various colors from green to burgundy-red and variegated. Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance. It produces lovely, lacey or lobed foliage with brilliant fall color. When Should I prune my Japanese maple? Design Considerations As a specimen plant the Bloodgood Japanese maple should be located to create a focal point. Japanese Maple – Pruning. A couple of commonly asked questions are: When to prune, and how hard to prune? I have had real good success fertilizing in late April with Fox Farm Japanese Maple fertilizer 4-8 … Other common names Japanese maple 'Bloodgood' . Its red, lacy leaves are a welcome addition to any garden, but they aren’t problem free. There are hundreds of Japanese maple varieties that come in various sizes with a large assortment of leaf shapes and colors that range from shades of green to orange, red, purple, and variegated.