Weight loss is one of the most common side effects of cancer and its treatment. The medical term for this is anorexia. Loss of appetite may also be called anorexia. Cancer can have this effect by changing your metabolism, the way your body turns food into energy. It is important to eat and drink enough when you have cancer. Your sense of smell and sense of taste may change, which can affect your appetite. It occurs because cancer or its treatments can affect the way food tastes or you don’t feel like eating. Loss of appetite is called anorexia. Many conditions, from depression to the flu, can make you feel less hungry. A loss of appetite or unexpected weight loss can sometimes be a symptom of certain cancers, such as pancreatic, ovarian, or stomach cancer. A decreased appetite occurs when you have a reduced desire to eat. One of the general symptoms that some people with blood cancer may experience is loss of appetite. Anorexia is common in people with cancer. Side effects such as mouth and throat problems, or nausea and vomiting can also make eating difficult. This can be caused by cancer, cancer treatments or other health problems. Loss of appetite can also be a side effect of blood cancer treatments, like chemotherapy. Appetite loss is common among cancer patients, and may be directly caused by cancer, particularly cancers of the gastrointestinal tract like stomach and pancreatic cancers, as well as ovarian and lung cancer.

If you don’t eat enough, you can lose weight. 6. 6.

One possibility is that abdominal discomfort puts people off food, so they instinctively avoid eating much. many conditions, from depression to the flu, can make you feel less hungry. Cancer and cancer treatments may affect taste, smell, appetite, and the ability to eat enough food or absorb the nutrients from food.. Cancer-related fatigue can also lower your appetite. In a significant number of colon cancer cases, people lose their appetites.This reaction is not entirely understood. As many as 50 in 100 people diagnosed with cancer (50%) have loss of appetite. Poor appetite is a common nutritional challenge for patients with pancreatic cancer. In a significant number of colon cancer cases, people lose their appetites. Loss of appetite (anorexia) Doctors call a loss of appetite anorexia. Use this information to help plan meals and snacks that will be more appealing and provide the nutrition you need to get better. 2.

This is very different from the psychiatric condition anorexia nervosa. Though you might not feel like eating, it's important to do what you can to maintain your calorie, protein and fluid intake during cancer treatment. People with a very low appetite that lasts more than a few days usually lose weight. Cancer and its treatment can have effects that lead to changes in eating habits and the desire to eat, including a loss of appetite.