liatris spicata 'alba

liatris spicata 'alba

$5.90 shipping. In Missouri, it is uncommonly found in rocky woods, rocky slopes, prairies, and gravel areas along streams (Steyermark). Flowering in succession from top to bottom over 4 weeks and more, the tufted flower heads contrast nicely with the finely textured, grassy foliage. Vivace à feuilles linéaires. Noteworthy Characteristics. LIATRIS spicata 'Alba'. Liatris blazing star is also accepting of many soil types, including rocky terrain. 95. Liatris spicata « Alba » (Plume du Kansas ou Liatride) est une plante qui attire abeilles et papillons et dévoile, d’août à septembre, de séduisantes fleurs en épis. An old-fashioned favorite, this American native is easy to please in full sun, and can handle the toughest soils and most brutal temperatures. Prized for its fluffy, pristine white flower spikes, Liatris spicata 'Floristan Weiss' (Gayfeather) is a perennial of great ornamental value. They are also excellent in floral arrangements and make good dried flowers. Liatris Spicata Alba Bulbs | White Liatris Bulbs | White Blazing Star Bulbs Like fluffy white exclamation points, Liatris bloom in mid Summer, lending vertical interest to the mixed flower garden.

The soft grass-like foliage provides a nice texture in the northern border. Plus compacte et plus basse que l'espèce type. Also known as blazing star and gayfeather, liatris plants bloom from late summer into fall in full sun gardens. Liatris Planting Information. However, I found the alba variety to be somewhat unattractive. This very reliable performer features Snow White bottlebrush-like flower spikes that crown thick upright stems encased in fans of long, narrow leaves. Liatris spicata var. Liatris spicata ‘Alba’ is not quite open, but a little of the white flower is visible. 1-16 of 163 results for "liatris spicata bulbs" Skip to main search results Amazon Prime. Type : Vivace. Liatris spicata 'Kobold' 1 Avis clients. Liatris plants typically grow from corms that sprout in spring, and plants bloom in late summer. Les fleurs sont blanches et disposées en forme d'épis le long d'une tige de 80 cm. … Found growing in prairies or grasslands, liatris is also at home in the garden, but can liatris grow in pots? Utilisation : Fleurs à couper.

Cette 'Plume du Kansas' est une plante vivace au port hérissé et érigé, d'une hauteur de 80 à 90 cm. What this means to gardeners is that a liatris blossom is a cluster of many little flowers that appear to be one flower.Pollinators love this! 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. This variety throws up 60 to 90cm (24 to 36in) spikes of densely packed, pure white flower spikes in July and August. The genus Liatris belongs to the giant plant family Asteraceae, also known as Compositae. Très bonne tenue des fleurs en bouquet. À propos de l'espèce Liatris spicata.

Il existe aussi quelques cultivars: ‘Alba’, qui arbore des fleurs blanches; ‘Callilepsis’, dont les tiges sont particulièrement longues, ‘Floristan Violett’, qui produit des inflorescences très denses et ‘Kobold’, dont les plants sont plus compacts.

Longue floraison en épis denses de fleurs pourpre-mauve. $8.95 $ 8.

Liatris does very well in my garden, including the alba variety.

Free Shipping by Amazon ... Liatris Alba | White Blazing Star | Liatris Spicata Alba Bulbs | Ships from USA. Liatris Alba will provide a perfect vertical perennial accent for the garden. Liatris spicata alba est une très belle plante vivace qui, ne nécessitant qu’un sol bien drainé au plein soleil pour bien se développer, complétera à merveille vos bordures. Cette vivace rustique se distingue par sa floraison en épis rose pourpré qui, étonnamment, fleurissent de haut en bas.

Période de floraison : Juillet, Août, Septembre. The white color is not very brilliant and when the blooms move down the stalk the plant looks somewhat like a weed to me. Yes, liatris can grow in pots and, in fact, growing liatris plants in containers makes a show-stopping tableau.

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