Before you begin cooking any live lobster, please place the lobsters in the freezer for 10-20 minutes to kill the lobsters humanely. Next, cut down the center of the shell from end to end and spread the shell apart. Place your tails in the refrigerator for 24 hours for thawing.

The best cold weather product of all is Maine lobster tails, or their Canadian equivalent, though they're scarcer and costlier than most. You can boil, broil and bake, grill, pan sear, par boil, poach in butter, and steam.

Cooking Methods and Times. Then, rub the lobster meat with a mixture of salt, pepper, paprika, and lemon juice. Cold water lobsters tend to have better texture and flavor. How To Prepare Lobster Tails for Baked Lobster Tails Recipe Place the lobster tails on a baking tray. This puts a lobster to sleep before it actually dies. Finish cooking flesh side up, still over direct heat. Cold water lobsters tend to have better texture and flavor. Insert a skewer lengthwise into lobster to keep it from curling while cooking. You can cook lobster tails in most of the same ways as fresh lobster, though they'll be a bit quicker. The best cold weather product of all is Maine lobster tails, or their Canadian equivalent, though they're scarcer and costlier than most. A skewer can also be placed through the center of the halved tails to prevent the seafood from curling. Avoid cutting the tail fin. No need to be intimidated by cooking lobster tails. When the shells turn red and the meat is white, remove the lobster to a serving platter. Prepare the lobster tails by either cutting them in half down the center into two pieces, cut down the center with meat left inside, or butterfly the tails to have the meat placed on top. There are various ways on how to cook lobster meat easily. Brush lobster all over with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. A skewer can also be placed through the center of the halved tails to prevent the seafood from curling. While smaller tails are prized by some as being sweeter, they are easier to overcook.

Grilling Lobster Tails. The lobster is done when its internal temperature, checked by an instant-read thermometer, reaches 135°F. There you have it -- a seafood extravaganza! Popular methods of cooking lobster tails … This way there is no way a lobster could feel pain. You can cook lobster tails in most of the same ways as fresh lobster… The shell also adds flavor to the tail meat.

However, their small size makes them well suited to quick cooking techniques, as there is … At this point, it’s a great idea to baste the lobster with an herb butter mixture. The shell protects the meat from high heat cooking methods like boiling, steaming, and grilling.

For a quicker method, place your lobster tails into an airtight plastic bag, squeeze out all the air, and immerse the tails in cold water in a sink or large bowl. 7. To prepare lobster tails, start by washing the tails thoroughly in hot water. Lobster tails need to be thawed for even cooking. Prepare the lobster tails by either cutting them in half down the center into two pieces, cut down the center with meat left inside, or butterfly the tails to have the meat placed on top. Start by thawing your lobster tails in cool water (roughly 30 minutes, though you may need to change the water and thaw them for another 30 minutes if the tails are larger).

To grill, split the tails down the middle with a large chef’s knife, pushing the point into the narrow tail end of the tail and then using the heel of your hand to push down and split the rest (finish the job with kitchen scissors if … Cooking Methods and Times.

Cooking lobster tails need not be restricted to the kitchen stove. Though plentiful in British waters and available all year round, it is still considered a special treat and the ultimate in fine dining – though Lobster and chips is increasingly finding its way on to gastro pub menus.. Next, place the lobster tails on a baking sheet, cover it with foil, and place it the broiler. Preheat grill or grill pan over medium heat. 6. Baking lobster tails at home is a quick and simple process that any cook can perform. Fully defrosted lobster tails can be cooked whole in the shell.

The secret to cooking lobster tails is to cook them only until they're just done, because lobster can be tough and chewy if overcooked. Prep the lobster tails by cutting the shell (with scissors) in a straight line through the center until the portion where tail fin starts. Once the tails … Lobster tails come in a range of sizes, from upwards of a pound or more to merely a few ounces.