Samsung Galaxy J3 - Zoom when using the camera - While in the Camera App, there are two ways to zoom in or out. Your phone most likely has a camera far more capable than even an expensive webcam. Open the camera app. Use your phone's main camera. To find the Camera app, select Start > Camera. It'll open to show more info about using your camera or webcam. Zoom in and out on camera. Press and hold the shutter button. If your PC has a built-in camera or a connected webcam, you can use the Camera app to take photos and videos. First, you can use Volume Up and Down keys. Select any heading below. Move the slider left and right to zoom in or out. Because mobile camera stacks lack the space or mechanisms to move, optical zoom in a phone usually just means a different lens with another fixed … With the help of an app you can turn your phone into a webcam that you can use with Zoom or any other app for that matter; and even use it for live streams with software like OBS. Your phone's main camera will produce a higher quality image than the selfie camera, and with more options for zooming and focusing as well. To do this, go to your Zoom settings page on your browser, then toggle on the ‘Join before Host’ option. How to turn your smartphone into a professional Zoom webcam: Mounts, lights, ... you make your phone into a pro videoconferencing rig in a snap, …