Pack Size: Clear: Add to basket. on more heavily as it is the most popular variety of Hardy Cyclamen and for good reason. Pink. Die Verpackung enthält ausführliche Gebrauchsanweisungen. Meanwhile, please use the links above to find out more about our Cyclamen Hederifolium and how to buy them. Bulb si…

So, for the time being, whilst we concentrate on building up the stock levels of the other varieties of Hardy Cyclamen to a level where we can widely offer sensible quantities, we will only be offering Cyclamen Hederifolium … Dainty mauve butterfly type flowers borne above marbled, ivy-like foliage. Green Garden Flower Bulbs ist ein Lieferant von hochwertigen Blumenzwiebeln, Knollen und Stauden in großen Mengen, direkt von unseren Züchtern in Holland. The cyclamen house, where we raise our cyclamen, is a wonderful sight in autumn and early spring when many of our stock plants are in flower. Perennial. Place pot in a cool dry place and pretty much forget about it …

RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Cyclamen Hederifolium - Alpenveilchen von können Sie einfach bestellen und wird in ganz Deutschland geliefert.

0 out of 5 ( There are no reviews yet. ) Verkäufe an Unternehmen und Verbraucher. £ 5.00 – £ 8.00. Cyclamen hederifolium, the ivy-leaved cyclamen or sowbread, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Cyclamen, of the family Primulaceae. Suchen Sie einen erfahrenen Blumenzwiebeln Großhandel? Hardy winter flowering corm. COVID-19 Update: We are taking orders and shipping daily, however, delays may be expected due to safety measures for our staff. It is the most widespread cyclamen species, the most widely cultivated after the florist's cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum), and … Delivery Instructions. Cyclamen Bulbs - hederifolium: Hardy plants that will thrive in borders or containers, in full or dappled shade.

Hardy Cyclamen Bulbs | Cyclamen Hederifolium | Ivy-Leaved Cyclamen The lovely, ivy shaped foliage of cyclamen hederifolium is intricately laced and marbled with silver and white. The flowers produce good seed and the bulbs become larger, giving you a blanket of colour for years to come. However, we have left most of the original information on our (very) old Cyclamen site, which provides details of all of the other varieties, for you to look through in case you find it useful.

Talking of leaves - C. hederifolium" has the edge with delicate and uniquely intricate surface markings that ensure that every plant is unique.

It’s perfect for growing at the base of small shrubs and trees, and naturalising in grass. SKU: N/A. A goodly planting of Cyclamen hederifolium in winter, even after the flowers have gone, is still a joy to behold. You have my permission to just let the plant dry out. Click Here to sign up for special offers from Michigan Bulb. Cyclamen are actually a type of bulb.

Hederifolium. Height 15-25cm. The Cyclamen Hederifolium originates from the Mediterranean, therefore it comes as a surprise that they are equally happy to grow in shade as they are in sun. Frost hardy, Clump Forming.