Instagram Statistics Recap. OSI Approved :: MIT License Project description Project details Release history Download files Project description. This study aims to determine what factors that motivate users to use the hashtag and geotag features on Instagram while traveling. instagram scrapping …

It also seeks to determine the relationship between using Instagram features, traveling experience, expectation, confirmation, and satisfaction on traveling journeys. However, if you have tested this out on Instagram and you are not seeing your business on Instagram, you can actually create a new location on Facebook (this feature is only available on the Facebook app for Android and iPhone). Using state hashtags are useful, but scaling down and using city and industry-specific hashtags can really help target a more niche audience. In a rush and couldn’t read them all? Development Status. This AI-powered tool also finds the right hashtags for you without the need to manually intervene. Some Instagram statistics, however, show that this influence may be on the wane. Trust Insights also identified a more short-term dip in engagement … Instagram will reach 112.5 million U.S. users in 2020 That’s a 5.4% increase over 2019, as estimated by eMarketer, which also predicts the network will reach 117.2 million U.S. users in 2021. View statistics for this project via, or by using our public dataset on Google BigQuery. Instagram users use hashtags and geotags, and graphical stickers which allow them to creatively express themselves.

But how do you find the right … Locational hashtags pack a big punch, this is how many people will find you in their general searches. That’s OK—here are the top eight Instagram stats every B2B marketer should know: Instagram has one billion active users a month.

There is actually a large group of users that love the feature of geotagging, as the primary function of geotagging is to notify followers or close ones where exactly are you without them asking you to find out. You can enter any hashtag into the search box, and it’ll give you all the statistics you need to know about it. Once created, the location will be available on Instagram. Photo of the author, Alex York by Alex York One of the best things about Instagram is the ability it gives you to reach people all around the globe. Then, the data analysed using covariance-based …

Compared to Facebook, ad spending on Instagram is 23% higher, according to an internal study. Tags instagram Maintainers midnightSuyama Classifiers. Typically, you want your hashtags to be relevant to your brand, your products, your post, and the message you’re trying to convey. All you have to do is enter your Instagram username.

3 - Alpha License. The engagement rate for organic posts had somehow fallen even lower – to 1.9% from 4.5% in roughly the same period.

Background History of the Company 2010: On October 6, Instagram was launched as a photo sharing application, and had over 1 Million active users by 12 December 2010. Because of increased engagement with Stories, advertisers are spending more money on Instagram. 4.2 billion likes are submitted on Instagram each day. Using Geotags to attract transient business.

Different Ways Instagram Geotags are Used. 33% of B2B companies are on Instagram. Hashtags are king on Instagram and so it’s important to utilize them as part of your posting strategy, even when it comes to geotagging. By the end of 2020, Instagram ad revenue is projected to be at 30% of the entire company’s ad revenue. Meta. License: MIT License (MIT) Author: midnightSuyama. This study collected data from 606 Indonesian travelers. Now that you’ve set up your geotag and know exactly how both you and others can use it, let’s discuss a few use cases behind geotagging on Instagram for business. Sure, we just told you that the U.S. audience represents only 11% of all Instagram users. How to Use Instagram Geotag to Engage With Local Followers. In Q1 2019, InfluencerDB stats show that the engagement rate for sponsored posts was 2.4% – down from 4% three years prior. Many travelers use Instagram to plan their business trips.