You can also put this dainty beauty outside during the summer, if the warmth allows it. Keep an eye on the thermometer. Place one section or root, called a cormel, in each hole with the roots down and any green shoots pointing up. Zantedeschia facts sheet. Common Names: Arum Lily, Calla, Calla Lily, Lily of the Nile, Easter Lily, Varkoor. In areas that are prone to cold winters, protect the rhizomes with a thick layer of mulch. Arum or calla lily is quite hardy even in cool winters. Growing Region: Zones 7 to 10.As a perennial in zones 9 and 10.

Height – 20 to 32 inches (50 to 80 cm) Exposure – full sun, part sun Soil – rich, well drained.

Arum lily or Calla Lily called Zantedeschia are available in an increasing number of shades and varieties.

Zantedeschia Growing and Care Guide. Move the potted plant indoors or in a greenhouse and keep that in temperature around 50 F (10 C) and reduce watering.

Arum Lily is the common name for the hardier outdoor variety. Arum Lily White Gnome – pure white flowers with bright yellow spandex in the centre of the flower.. Zabtedeschia hybrids varieties are available in different vibrant colours some popular varieties are calla lily hot chocolate, majestic red, mango and black star. Feed tender forms (calla lilies… Height: 24 to 100 inches (60 to 250 cm). 1 reply. This easy to grow perennial plant is great for flower bouquets and is popular for weddings. Plus, discover 9 colorful calla lily hybrids and learn about growing and caring for these graceful flowers. Questions answered on arum lily. Genus Zantedeschia can be deciduous or semi-evergreen, tuberous perennials with lance-shaped or arrow-shaped leaves and tiny yellow flowers forming a dense spike-like spadix, with a showy, hood-like spathe, sometimes followed by orange berry-like fruits see more; Synonyms Brosimum aethiopica Calla aethiopica.

Mulch annually in autumn with well-rotted garden compost or manure. Flower Details: White, pink, yellow, red. Name – Zantedeschia aethiopica Family – Araceae Type – rhizome perennial. They make excellent cut-flower for wedding celebrations and are a popular choice for bridal bouquets. Keeping this rhizome happy indoors is a matter of paying attention to some very basic growing conditions. Typically, leaves will stay green until temperatures drop to 25°F (-4°C) for several nights in a row. 21 Oct, 2010 Guest. Cover each cormel with 3 to 4 inches of soil and pat the area down gently. Zantedeschia Tips. Native: Southern Africa. A sunny windowsill is a great location in the cooler months.

Life Cycle: Half hardy annual by gardeners. Find out whether callas prefer sun or shade, what type of soil they thrive in and see beautiful pictures.

Whereas, in cooler zones you will need to save the bulbs from frost, collect and dry them in sun for a few days and remove excess soil. Calla Lily Plant, Zantedeschia Flower – How to Grow + Care Indoors/Outdoors The Calla Lily originates in South African swamps, but should be cultivated in a room. Arum lily care in winter is easy in climates with mild winter (USDA Zones 8 – 11). This Zantedeschia rehmannii can be grown to advantage in a terracotta pot that will show off the perfect spathes or funnel shaped petals. Place your potted calla lily in a spot that is just shy of full sunlight. Grow Calla Lilies for their magnificent flowers in perennial borders or as a house plant. Plant arum lilies 12 inches deep or less in the mud at the edge of ponds and water gardens. Flowering – June to October outdoors. It bejewels itself with its most beautiful flowers in summer. Family Araceae . 23 Sep, 2010 Guest. Usually white or pink. Growing Calla Lily Plants Indoors. Water hardy forms (arum lilies) freely throughout the summer, and feed fortnightly with a balanced liquid fertiliser. Get how to info for planting calla lilies in your own garden.

These are popular for cutting. Plant Some Arum Lily Bulbs For Their Beautiful Flowers Learn all about Calla Lily Plant Care. Understanding how to care for potted calla lilies will help your plant thrive and your flowers stand out beautifully.

i have a large pot full of arum lilys - when should i split them. Although an outdoor plant by nature, the Calla Lily will perform wonderfully as an indoor plant. Flowers: Start of summer. Zantedeschia is a plant that is simply beautiful.