If you're looking for an alternative, baby powder is a great option. Keep reading to learn more about what baby powder can be used for now. At the same time it can be quite helpful to have it around the house. Dry shampoo is great, but many people don't care for the texture or smell. How many times have you had a family member return from a day at the beach only to discover that a good portion of the beach has been brought back into your living room? Johnson & Johnson was ordered earlier this year to pay $72 million in damages to the family of an Alabama woman who lost her life to ovarian cancer, thought to be caused by the company’s Baby Powder. Minimize the mess by sprinkling some baby powder over sweaty, sand-covered kids (and adults) before they enter the house. Did you know talcum power can be dangerous to your health?? 1. But talcum powder has come under extremely close scrutiny in the past several months. By removing facial oils, baby powder helps to keep your makeup intact all day or all night. While you’re at it, use baby powder to set your makeup. It's up to you. If bacterial infection occurs, antibiotics applied to the skin or taken by mouth may help. Bring your favorite baby powder to the beach, and you can use it to remove sand from your feet. If I will be in a wet diaper for a long period of time, I use a … Here are some of the many adult benefits of baby powder. I’ve used baby powder a few times over the years to fend off swamp crotch and it works pretty swell. Johnson's Baby Powder, $4, Amazon. Some research suggests a link between lung cancer and ovarian cancer and talc, while other sources are more suspicious: It has been suggested that talcum powder might cause cancer in the ovaries if the powder particles (applied to the genital area or on … Think of what Mom's use for rashes on babies bum's.... same thing for adults. Despite this, baby powder is often applied to the skin because of its naturally ability to dry out the skin and reduce natural oils from excreting out of your body. Shutterstock. Even as an adult, I still gravitate towards baby products because they smell so fresh and pure. 1. Face Fix. Talcum power is used in cosmetic body powders and baby powder.

"Baby" talcum powders are no safer than products marketed to adults. The result is plumper lashes that look longer and fuller. In the morning, shake out the baby powder and you’re good to go. Use it as a substitute for dry shampoo. Instead, I used the baby powder as a dry shampoo, and it worked quite well! 5 Baby Beauty Products That You Should Totally Use As An Adult. Commercial baby powders make for a decent stand-in for dry shampoo or deodorant, and they can help prevent stinky feet by sucking up moisture. DO NOT use baby powder. ... Johnson's Baby Powder… Brilliant Adult Uses of Baby Powder Thence you should undoubtedly incorporate a bit of it in your everyday life. No bueno. Use baby powder to get rid of sand. The thing with baby powder is that if you use a lot of it, it can clog the pores in the diaper material and hamper the diapers ability to absorb quickly, which will make it more leak prone (I think tena diapers specifically warn about this). That's what I always use. Smells great — like baby powder. Well, use baby powder instead. A staple product of practically everyone’s youth. Just a touch would do great to set makeup. Your mom dusted your little dangly bits with baby powder to keep things fresh and dry, so it must have the same effect as an adult, right? If your contour powder is a shade or two too dark for instance, just mix in a bit of baby … Baby powder has plenty of adult uses that you wouldn’t have even thought. A moisture barrier or skin sealant may be applied over the powder. Really, we’re just scratching the surface here. The pains of chafing aren't something you have to put up with any longer, thanks to the magic of baby powder. I use baby powder if my diaper will be dry for a long time, as it avoids sweating/chaffing. This could be done for running, bike riding, or even dancing. This product is not only germ free, but easy to get and dirt cheap too.