Case Studies + Stories - Rotor Bar Fault Maintenance Issue: Vibration Sensor Alert Please complete the form to continue.

An accurate assessment of condition and remaining life can also be made with on-line current analysis.

Your personal information is treated with care and will be handled in accordance with GDPR regulations. This knowledge is often difficult to obtain without disassembly of the motor. The initial diagnoses, however, can easily be made with vibration … The paper presents an analysis and extraction of vibration features for partially damaged rotor bar in induction motors. Broken, cracked rotor bars, bad joints between end rings and rotor bars and end ring problems have unique and easily recognizable symptoms., Models. The use of Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) for motor fault detection such as broken rotor bar is now well established, however the detection of mechanical faults related to the driven system is a more challenging task.

Rotor Bar Problems- The electrical problem that is most effectively diagnosed and monitored through vibration analysis. These are much more unusual and indicate a much more potentially severe problem. From the spectrum we can see 1x harmonic running speed with pole pass freq sideband; this indicates a rotor bar problem (broken or cracked rotor).

Job Title * Email * Enter Email Confirm Email. Loose rotor bars. The obtained results show that information regarding partial damage in broken rotor bar is reflected on vibration signals. Two methods can be used to identify them. Recently there has been a growing interest for the detection of gear faults by MCSA. It is necessary to know the number of rotor bars to identify the frequency of interest in the vibration spectrum. An initial damage of 3 mm was detected using the autocorrelation and DWT. Job Title * Email * Enter Email Confirm Email. Loose rotor bars are a common failure mode of electric motors. An accurate assessment of condition and remaining life can also be made with on-line current analysis. ** University of Palermo, Italy. Vibration Analysis of Partially Damaged Rotor Bar in Induction Motor under Different Load Condition Using DWT Jose Rangel-Magdaleno, 1 Hayde Peregrina-Barreto, 2 Juan Ramirez-Cortes, 1

Pole pass freq calculation Sync speed = 1495; Slip freq = Sync speed – Rpm actual = 1495 – 1488 = 7rpm or 0.1167 Hz Rotor bars go past the point the accel is mounted. With a broken rotor bar, the amplitude of the beat increases with load. This test will not show up at no load running because a broken rotor bar cannot carry current.

The approach is based on the extraction of features from vibration signals at different level of damage and three mechanical load conditions.

VIBRATION SPECTRUM ANALYSIS - This test can detect cracked or loose bars while under load. Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Energia Elettrica e dell’Informazione «Guglielmo Marconi».

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