The goal is to send your first email a week or so in advance of the due date so … You can use your account with either of those services to create a simple invoice and then send a link for that invoice to your customer’s (or client’s) email address. This simple little collections strategy is designed to get invoices paid AND build strong business relationships at the same time! Emailing them on the day the payment is due will only make you appear desperate and unprofessional. Service providers usually send invoices via mail or email. Dear Neal, This is a kind reminder of an outstanding payment you have with us of $20,000. A few more observations: Ask for the payment simply and be straightforward.

How to ask a client for payment without being rude (email templates included) So, after a lot of focus , dedication, and productive work , you’ve finished and delivered another freelance project. EMAIL SUBJECT: <> invoice <> BODY TEXT: Regardless of the medium, asking for payment politely improves sales and increases customer satisfaction. To request for payment from a client who has delayed payment, here is a letter for requesting payment in an email format that you can customize to your needs. There are many ways to create a payment request letter based on how many times you need to ask the customer to submit their payment. I recommend using a payment processor like PayPal or Stripe. It’s a very polite way to request payment. The first payment reminder needs to be friendly since there may actually be a legitimate reason for their nonpayment. Give the client the benefit of the doubt and first ensure they received the invoice in question. 1. Business owners must get paid to stay in business, but different types of businesses ask for payment in various ways. You’re not asking for payment, because payment isn’t due yet. 3: Acknowledge that the customer may have already sent payment and thank him or her accordingly.

This email is intended only to remind your customer of the impending invoice and, most importantly, plant the seed in their mind that you’re a business that’s serious about getting paid. Thank you in advance and have a nice day.

Guide. A much better way is to make a ‘Courtesy Call’. Tell them you have included the invoice as part of the email and how you want to be paid. Closing a sale is often done in person or by phone. However, my records show that you still have an outstanding balance on your account in the amount of $5,000.00 with a past due date of DATE. It follows many of the principles outlined for our Before Due email template. There’s no easier way to let your email go unread than to include the price in the subject line and your message will have a 100% better chance of being read if it didn’t. Sending a letter asking for payment will delay payment even more. One key difference is the ask for when payment can be expected. Knowing how to ask for payment in an email in a professional way -- in fact, knowing how to write professional emails in general -- is one of the most important skills you can learn as a consultant or freelancer. 1: Remind the customer that payment is past due and state the amount owed.

This puts the (light) pressure on them to reply to you, as you’ve asked for a piece of information rather than … To help, we’ve provided something of a script; of course, it must be modified for your particular situation, but feel free to use this template to form the skeleton of your email!