But, as evidenced by this thread, people can do an excellent job of treating themselves or their family and friends. 1)He gained nationwide news coverage as he was attempting to kite surf from France to Ireland (227 miles or 295 nautical miles) 2)Like me, he’s a type 1 diabetic and is keen to show the disease can be an enabler, not a disabler. Like me, he’s a type 1 diabetic and is keen to show the disease can be an enabler, not a disabler. There were moments where people would try and tell me what I could or shouldn’t do, who I am or how my life should be. Dr. Stephen Ponder, a pediatric endocrinologist and a type 1 himself, takes you beyond the basics and shows you a better way to manage your blood glucose levels. Is there anyone out there who's a type 1 diabetic and surfs? Sugar Surfing: How to Manage Type 1 Diabetes in a Modern World My hat is off to you all. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Retired Moderator.

If anyone was at the JDRF discovery day on May 23rd, they will have seen Stephen Ponder speaking about Sugar Surfing.

Messages: 8,903 Likes Received: 11,768 Trophy Points: 198. You can’t stop the waves of fluctuating blood glucose levels but you can learn to surf. I used to be worried and believe people when they said I couldn’t do something because of the way I was born or who I was, having my diabetes. I was delighted to get him onto the podcast to talk about both in detail and a whole lot beside. For those considering or already using Continuous Glucose Monitoring, this talk is for you. Type 1 is a complex issue with an almost unlimited amount of variables. In her 30s, Helen was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I started surfing a little before I got diagnosed with Type 1 and I remember at the time of diagnosis how odd and alienated I felt.
Our core programs are ski/snowboard, surf and mountain bike camps for kids and teens living with T1D in 10 states and New Zealand.

She knew very little about the condition at the time but, to minimise the impact it would have on her life, Helen has strived to learn as much as possible.

We empower, activate & connect the Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) community through shared experience & action sports. This was a huge surprise to her as no one else in her family has diabetes. Expert. Eoghan Quinn came to my attention a couple of months back. Sugar Surfing: How to Manage Type 1 Diabetes in a Modern World [Stephen W. Ponder, Kevin L. McMahon] on Amazon.com. Ive been a keen surfer most of my teenage years and i got diagnosed with type one when i was 17.

Truly, the people that have it or treat it with family and friends, they are the experts. For a couple of reasons.