The much talked about and long awaited TV series, ‘Sons of The Caliphate’ a political drama set in the North of Nigeria about three rich, entitled and ambitious young men, all caught up in … The Fatimid Caliphate was an Ismaili Shia caliphate that spanned a large area of North Africa, from the Red Sea in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. Our mission is to make sure you have the right word at the right time, and the purpose here is to provide accurate … 'Sons of Umayya') or Umayyads (الأمويون), were the ruling family of the Islamic caliphate between 661 and 750 and later of Islamic Spain between 756 and 1031. Caliphate is a word that’s often trending due to its use—right or wrong—in the media. The son of the celebrated caliph Hārūn ar-Rashīd and an Iranian concubine, al-Maʾmūn was born in 786, six months before his half-brother Ruled by a caliph (Arabic khalifah, ‘successor’), the caliphate grew rapidly during its first two centuries. Othman, like his predecessor, is assassinated - but this time by rebellious Muslims. Fāṭimid Dynasty , political and religious dynasty that dominated an empire in North Africa and subsequently in the Middle East from ad 909 to 1171 and tried unsuccessfully to oust the ʿAbbāsid caliphs as leaders of the Islāmic world. This drama series follows the exploits of three privileged Nigerian men as they struggle for political power and love. The Banu Umayya (Arabic: بَنُو أُمَيَّةَ ‎, romanized: Banū Umayya, lit. Add to Watchlist. They choose ali, another son-in-law of Muhammad, as the fourth caliph.

Al-Rashid lived an extravagant life, filled with riches, pleasures, and deceitful acts. ISIS Territorial Caliphate 'Eliminated In Syria,' But Threats Remain U.S.-backed forces in Syria and the White House say that ISIS' territorial caliphate has been eliminated in Syria. An-Nihaayah fi’l-Fitan wa’l-Malaahim (p. 17).

Dynastic struggles later caused its decline, and it ceased to … In the 9th century, when Harun al-Rashid was the caliph, the Abbasid Empire was at the pinnacle of its beauty and wealth. When al-Rashid died, a power struggle came forth: who would be the next caliph? SONS OF THE CALIPHATE: is a drama about the lives of three rich, entitled, passionate and ambitious young men, Kalifah, Nuhu and Diko, all caught up in the hidden corners of power, the darkness of addiction, the heat of love and desire, the obligations of family loyalty, and the craving for revenge. His successor, the first caliph, was elected in that year. Al-Haakim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: This is a saheeh hadith according to the conditions of al-Bukhaari and Muslim. End quote. The first four caliphs of the Islamic empire – Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali are referred to as Rashidun (rightly guided) Caliphs (632-661 CE) by mainstream Sunni Muslims.
'Sons of the Caliphate' is a drama series based on the lives of three rich, entitled, passionate and ambitious young men, Kalifah, Nuhu and Diko, all caught up in the hidden corners of power, the darkness of addiction, the heat of love and desire, the obligations of family loyalty, and the craving for revenge. End quote.
The series plays with themes of family loyalty, greed, corruption and wealth. Al-Maʾmūn, seventh ʿAbbāsid caliph (813–833), known for his attempts to end sectarian rivalry in Islām and to impose upon his subjects a rationalist Muslim creed.

Several dates can be used to mark the end of the Caliphate; however, it is usually regarded as coming to an end in 1258, when the last of the caliphs was killed when the Mongols captured Baghdad. The Abbasid Empire started magnificent, and fell destitute.