The tree Diospyros kaki is the most widely cultivated species of persimmon. It is juicy with transparent flesh and a caramel like flavor.

Most important: know your site's drainage. 30 trees to avoid planting to prevent damaged pipes .

Plastic pots, on the other hand, are light inweight, but they heat up in the sun. In areas where poor drainage is or could be an issue, such as sites with soggy or heavy clay soils, fruit trees should be planted on mounds.

A couple of plum trees, a couple of apple trees and a cherry tree. Most fruit trees will not survive in soil that drains so slowly it remains water-saturated for extended periods. If the water drains quickly, the area should be fine for planting a fruit tree. It usually stands erect, but sometimes can be crooked or have a willowy appearance.. Dig the hole: Dig down about 18″ and, with a pitchfork, fork the bottom and sides of the hole to loosen the soil. The fruit is commonly consumed throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, Micronesia, parts of East Asia, and the Caribbean. A good layer of straw mulch and plenty of organic matter (like home-made compost) will also give your tree a boost. A good fruit-tree container is a 15-gallon pot, which is large enough for a 5-foot tree. Drain holes plus gravel, broken clay pots, or rocks in a layer at the bottom will help with this. By William Ross. Your Tree and Water Drainage.

So, what is the best soil for fruit trees? These trees need containers of at least 10-15 gallons. Wednesday, October 28, 2015 . Before planting, be sure you are familiar with how well your soil drains. Carambola, also known as star fruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to tropical Southeast Asia. Fig ... All containers must have adequate drainage holes. If your yard has poor drainage, you need water loving trees. If the water drains in fewer than three hours, the drainage is excellent, and plants suited for dry locations will perform well.

Image by MAClarke21. Post Views: 19,529. Remember to make sure it’s in the center of the pot and then you’re good to go. Yellow fruit about the size of a tennis ball.

Bigger is better. Flowers in mid-May. Dig a hole about l foot deep and fill it with water. Pollen released by the male flower may not coincide with a receptive female flower on the same tree. They are also uphill from a swampy area so water doesn't drain quite as fast as other spots but fairly well. Planting Your Backyard Orchard. It bears very heavily, usually in the winter time.