Exploring the psychology of suicidal ideation: a theory driven network analysis. Participate In Research. Tiago C. Zortea, Cindy M. Gray, Rory C. O’Connor, Perceptions of Past Parenting and Adult Attachment as Vulnerability Factors for Suicidal Ideation in the Context of the Integrated Motivational–Volitional Model of Suicidal Behavior, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 10.1111/sltb.12606, 50, 2, (515-533), (2019). Back to the top. Suicidal Behaviour Research Lab. Mental Health & Wellbeing, Academic Centre, Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Glasgow, G12 0XH, G12 0XH. Exploring the psychology of suicidal ideation: A theory driven network analysis. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted on the Suicide Ideation Scale (SIS) with a large military clinical sample (total N = 3,072). Network analysis can help us to understand how the different theoretical components interact and how they relate to suicide ideation. Within a network that included only the core factors from both models, internal entrapment and perceived burdensomeness were most strongly related to suicide ideation. Within a network that included only the core factors from both models, internal entrapment and perceived burdensomeness were most strongly related to suicide ideation. , p. ... agree to abide by our usage policies. Back to the top. public 2018-05-16 11:38 AM Derek de Beurs added Rory O' Connor as contributor(s) to Exploring the psychology of suicidal ideation: a theory driven network analysis. The EFA identified a two-factor solution with the first factor (Resolved Plans/Preparation) accounting for 17.3% of the variance and the second (Suicidal Desire) accounting 15.1% of the variance. ... Network analysis can help us to understand how the different theoretical components interact and how they relate to suicide ideation.

, p. 262. Notably, internal entrapment predicted suicidal ideation at follow-ups in community and clinical samples. (2019). Exploring the psychology of suicidal ideation: A theory driven network analysis. Psychology, Health & Medicine. Author: Beurs, D. de, Fried, E.I., Wetherall, K., Cleare, S., ... Network analysis can help us to understand how the different theoretical components interact and how they relate to suicide ideation. [1, 2, 4, 5] Volitional factors in the IMV model, such as higher impulsivity, fearlessness about death, and exposure to individuals who had attempted suicide, are thought to be key mechanisms for the translation from suicidal ideation to suicidal behavior. Suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-harm: national prevalence study of young adults - Volume 4 Issue 3 - Rory C. O'Connor, Karen Wetherall, Seonaid Cleare, Sarah Eschle, Julie Drummond, Eamonn Ferguson, Daryl B. O'Connor, Ronan E. O'Carroll 4 year project to apply network analysis and causal inference to existing databases with information on suicidal behavior. Citation De Beurs D, Fried EI, Wetherall K, Cleare S, O'Connor DB, Ferguson E, O'Carroll RE & O'Connor RC (2019) Exploring the psychology of suicidal ideation: a theory driven network analysis.