How others have used Silverlab Colloidal Silver. The Zinc in this p Gentle, natural, effective item to use at the first sign of a spot! This condition is characterized by an irreversible, bluish-gray discoloration of the skin and is caused by excessive use of colloidal silver leading to accumulation of silver in the skin, nails, gums, eyes and other organs. Colloidal Silver cream, ‘Hit The Spot’, is specifically designed for spots and acne. Hit The Spot is very gentle on skin and clears up blemishes fast! Lotions & creams seem to be the one area where silver nano-particles really has the space to work.

However, with time and consistent effort they often can be treated naturally. If you have spots on your face or arms that have to be surgically removed by burning, cutting or … Wrinkles mainly happen on the parts of the body that get the most sun exposure, including the face, neck, the back of the hands, and top of the forearms.

For example, you may want to use pure colloidal silver dabbed right on blemish areas (use 1) together with internal colloidal silver (use 2) and then carry a colloidal silver mist (use 3) in your bag to use as your face becomes too oily or dry. Age spots take years to develop and are not likely to go away overnight. Despite promoters' claims, silver has no known function in the body and is not an essential mineral supplement. Dr. Robert Becker, a pioneer surgeon at Syracuse Medical University, mad a significant discovery. According to The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, argyria is the most common side effect of colloidal silver. Use Silverlab Colloidal gel or cream on the affected skin. Colloidal Silver & Wrinkles. Argyria. The benefits of colloidal silver in cosmetics.

An article recommended that specific colloidal silver preparations must be considered to treat thrush, burns, and periodontitis. The natural ingredients work to purify, as well as maintain hydration and balance. For example, it can treat ringworm as it is an anti-fungal.

Description, Symptoms & Causes. Colloidal silver can stimulate healing in your skin and soft tissues.

How others have used Silverlab Colloidal Silver to treat Skin Cancer. Silverlab - Bringing you healing, promoting your health. Colloidal silver is a mineral. Colloidal silver can also benefit other skins conditions like eczema and psoriasis.